Jamal Murray and Cory Joseph

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*taken from the Context of the Vlade and Jace: Hauntings in the Murray-Jokic household so this is the snippet

~ A Ghost haunts Nikola Jokic's pregnant girlfriend in this part ~

Sombor, Serbia

Jamal is 36 weeks pregnant with Vlade when he was doing the chores when he noticed a lady was there. Well of course, some say it might have been the ghost of the lady who was expecting a baby but she didn't make it when the war broke out. One day his boyfriend Nikola Jokic was away on the game, Jamal was left alone in the house and he had to ask his high school friend to come by at his house to spend the night. Despite of Jamal being the heavily pregnant athlete in the house, he knew he had to be extra cautious about his safety and the well-being of his unborn child growing in his belly. All he could is to take a nap.

Jamal Murray POV:

I decided to invite my high school friend for a sleepover because I couldn't afford to be alone in the house. Just so you know Cory Joseph and I met when we were playing for Canada Men's National Basketball Team so I had to have him come over. Not only that, we grew up together in Toronto and please note: he's not my boyfriend, we're just best friends. Although, I didn't want to notify my boyfriend haha that I invited him over or else he'll be mad at me.

Cory Joseph: Hi there Jamal.

Jamal Murray: Cory! How have you been?

Cory Joseph: It's been good. I heard your boyfriend had to go to the game. When is he coming here?

Jamal Murray: he'll be here in 2 weeks until the baby comes out.

Cory Joseph: Okay sounds great because I didn't want you to be alone in the house.

He went in and placed his bag upstairs in the master bedroom as he takes a look at the room in which it had the baby's crib and toys in it.

Cory Joseph: Jamal, are you expecting a baby?

Jamal Murray: yes since Nikola and I decorated the nursery altogether

Cory Joseph: Oh my, I can't believe my teammate is going to be a mother.

Jamal Murray: Oh stop 😂. Besides, I always wanted to be a mother for a long time because of my mother haha.

Cory wished he would've had a chance to date Jamal so that Jamal and him would be together. Yet, have Jamal to become pregnant with Cory's baby. Although, he was fine regarding to his teammate dating Nikola Jokic. Anyways, he decided to do something as he was doing the laundry.

Cory Joseph: You know, it should've been the time that you would be expecting a baby with me, but that's fine.

Jamal Murray: it's okay Cory, let's take a nap.

He and Cory both took a nap on the couch while the TV is on. (Note: I'm guessing they were watching Grey's Anatomy haha which is the show that Jamal usually watches after finding out he was pregnant.)

Sombor, Serbia

Jamal and Cory were asleep in the master bedroom when they heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen. It woke the two of the men up. Jamal and Cory checked downstairs to see if someone was there. Jamal noticed there was a lady standing by. She was wearing a white dress. "Jamal? Jamal? Jamal? What's the matter?" He was petrified when he saw the face of the woman that was in the kitchen. "Hello, is anyone here?" When he asked what was going on. The lady vanished. After encountering the ghost, Jamal was laughing nervously while sitting on the bed with Cory Joseph.

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