Chapter 2 : Gone?

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We finally make it to my room, as I am sitting in my mother's arms while she is in the armchair. "Is someone still tired?" I hear her soft voice question my changed mood. As a reply, I shrugged my shoulders because I didn't know what I needed; no amount of sleep could change the truth. Mother must have thought her conversation was quiet, but in reality, I heard all of it through the vent.

The number of people who would not be born due to the change. Would I have been born? I know that Lance would be (Antor) but would I?

*ring ring*

I hear something ring softly, which could have only been my mother's receiver. "...Kolvain what's wrong? Slow down, I can barely understand you." My mother's face goes from shock to sadness in seconds. "But... but we spoke not even a few quintents ago. How can this happen?" I hear my mother sob. "Mama?" I put my hand close to hers as she looked down at me with tears in her eyes. "Mama's ok, love." She tries to reassure me as she stands up and takes me out of the room.

By the looks of things, we are going to Antor's mum's room.

I watch as my mum knocks on the door before Antor's mum opens the door and begins talking. I couldn't hear her because I was snuggled into my mother's neck as I pondered what could have upset my mother. Not long after, though, I hear the conversation they are having as I lift my head. "I can't believe he is gone..." she sobbed out. "Gon?" I asked.

She looks down before sobbing some more. "It's nothing, hunny." She says it sadly before hugging me harder. "Who gone!" I shouted this time. No, they hadn't even completed the mission; no one should have gone yet. I didn't even wait for them to reply before my emotions burst. "Wan Ant!!" I begin to wail. Closing my eyes, I continue to sob and wiggle to try and get out of my mother's grasp. "Antttt!!" I wail louder before I hear someone speak "maice!!" I hear Antor shout, which soothes my wails a bit, but nothing could really soothe them but hugging him.

In my desperation, I held my hands out to the person holding Antor and tried to get out of my mums arms.


I look towards my screaming nephew before placing Antor into his mother's hands and pushing my arms out towards Marice. "No wan ouuuu!!! Wan Ancce!!" He wails louder before I finally get what he means and place him on my hip while reaching out for Antor. "Is that better, little lad?" I ask before saying that I'll be taking them to the lounge to try and console the distraught child.

Once they were both situated on either one of my hips, I walked towards the lounge and sat them both on my knee as they hugged each other. "What got you so upset, little lad?" I ask him, but he just continues to cry. "Gone!" is all I receive. "Who is gone?" I ask, which earns a quick shrug of the shoulders.

I guess the only option now is a distraction. "Marice, how about we play with the soft blocks?" I ask him as I get up and move towards the gate section of the lounge, placing both of the boys down. "Bloc?" Marice asks softly with a little sniffle. "Yeah, blocks here; why don't we play with them?" I ask while pulling them out of the toy box that was placed on the opposite side of the play pen. "M'kay..." he says while softly fiddling with his fingers.


I slowly move over towards the soft blocks, picking one up while looking at Antor, making sure he was still with us in the room.

"Why don't you play Antor? It looks like Marice is having fun," the person says to Ant before he moves over, picking Ant up and placing him next to me. Not knowing what else to do, I pick up another block and pass it to Ant, who looks at it for a while before he places it down and begins to place others on top. "See, it's fun, isn't it, Marice?" the person asks again. Not wanting to give an answer, I just nodded my head before placing the block in my hand onto the already tall tower that Ant had built. However, it looks as though they were pleased with the nod, before moving back towards settee moving the cushions around to get comfy, and picking the tablet back up off of the table.

"Dis born..." (This is boring.) I hear Ant say this next to me before getting up and knocking over the tower we had built. Did he not like the tower? "Ou no like towr?" (You don't like the tower?) I ask as tears fill my eyes. I thought he was having fun like me. "NO, I dids but jus wan do somfin els" (I did, I just wanted to play with something else), he says loudly, making me cover my ears and cry even louder at the loud noise. "No cry, Ace; no mean to make ou cry" (Don't cry, Marice; I didn't mean to make you cry). Ant says it again, but quite louder this time. "M'no ou jus too lou fow me" (I know you were just too loud) "M'no sad jus tired, an me no kno who gone?" (I'm not sad, just tired) (he is also upset about not knowing who was gone.) "Otay Ace, sowy me so lou" (Okay, Marice, sorry I was so loud).

I moved closer to where Ant had moved and began to hug him, laying my head down because I was still so tired. "It looks like someone is tired." I place my hand above me before I am lifted up and placed on the settee.

Not being able to keep my eyes open much longer, my mind lingers on the question that caused my tiredness in the first place.

'Who was gone?'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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