【Chapter 7】

Start from the beginning




"Ashlyn!" He said. He almost grabbed her shoulder but stopped himself. Instead, he asked: "The thing. Here??" Ashlyn nodded her head, her pretty orange hair swaying with her movements. There was that sound again; the phantom sounds.


[M/n] and Ashlyn looked behind them, to where the sound was coming from. Soon the group turned and looked behind them as well. [M/n] felt as if the world was still. It stopped. And not in a romantic type of way. It was the bone-chilling, kind of way. He felt cold. Colder than he usually did, despite wearing a fluffy sweater and comfy pants. There were goosebumps all over his body as his eyes stared at the human-looking monster.

He felt the color drain out of his body. His fists were clenched up in balls, his nails digging into his palms. His lips were pressed into a thin line as he tried to calm down his mind and think clearly. '[Rule number two, keep your emotions in check]' He thought as he let out a deep breath. His first instinct was to attack it but he knew it was wrong. Finally, he spoke."Everyone get out." He said as he backed away, urging everyone else to get out.

The thing lunged at them as Ashlyn urged the others to get out as well. "Go go go!!" She demanded as they all quickly exited the room. The thing got a little too close for comfort and [M/n], being the last one, noticed. He bit his lip as he looked at the thing that was inching way too close to them. He turned to face it, kicking it just a little further away. "[M/n]!" Yin scolded as the thing let out a screech, scratching [M/n]'s leg. He winced but didn't say anything.

Blood dripped out of [M/n]'s right leg and it hurt like hell. He bit his lips as he shook off the pain and instead, focused on the thing. Aiden, Ben, and Ashlyn were holding the door shut as everyone else was shocked or confused. "W-What is that thing!?" Logan managed to stutter out, his body trembling like a scared mouse. Aiden smiled and said "According to Tyler, that would be the 'prank' from earlier today." As the thing continued to bang on the door.

Tyler grunted in anger as Taylor spoke up. "Sarah and Emma are still in there!" But Ashlyn disagreed. [M/n] thought for a moment before agreeing with the ginger-haired girl. "I don't think they are," Ashlyn spoke. "They would have come out of their rooms or at least yelled." Yin added and then Aiden spoke up.

"Now that you mention it, it's kind of weird that no one at all came outside after all the screaming and banging." [M/n] couldn't help but bring back his thought. '[Why didn't anyone else come out? Did they disappear? Did they not hear it or were they not here?]' More and more questions came inside [M/n]'s head but he didn't say a word. Ben, then, grabbed the handle of the door, slamming it shut.

Aiden let out a chuckle as he said "That could've been bad." [M/n] sighed, leaning on the railing of the balcony/hallway of the apartment. "Stop treating this as a joke!" Tyler raised his voice. [M/n] rolled his [eye color] eyes, the sounds getting louder and it started to hurt his ears. Tyler and Aiden were bickering as [M/n] turned to look in the direction of the sound, his eyes widening as something caught his attention. And it seemed that Taylor noticed it too.

"Guys..." Taylor's voice was soft spoken but fear was clear in it. "Look down." There were more of the smiling human-looking creatures. A shiver went down everyone's spines, the air all of a sudden getting colder. The creatures were all in the parking lot, staring at the group as Ben was confused since he was still holding the door.

"[Oh fucking hell.]" [M/n] muttered as everyone stood still. '[First thing,s first think of a plan.]' The [hair color] boy thought for a moment as he spoke to Ashlyn. "Our room is 5 or 6 doors down." He said as Yin looked confused. "What the fuck does that have to do with anything?" The creatures started running to them, making [M/n]'s mind almost scramble.

"How do we get to your room without getting mauled by the one behind that door?" Ashlyn spoke, quickly picking up on what [M/n] was trying to say. The boy bit his lip and noticed the pole near the door. "String." He said as he started to untie the strings on his pants. Ashlyn noticed and started untieing the ones on her clothes. "Aiden, give me the string from your shorts," Ashlyn ordered. Aiden was confused but agreed. "Kay. Why?" He asked as he untied the strings. Ashlyn took Aiden and her sting and gave it to [M/n] as Ashlyn spoke with a confident tone.

"[M/n] has an idea."


HELLO!!! Did you guys hear the announcement!? School Bud Graveyard S2 comes out on SEPTEMBER 12th!!! It was stated on Lilredbeany's Instagram account (lilredbeany). I'm super excited for it. Tell me what you guys think will happen to Tyler or what will happen in s2! Thanks for reading and I hope you have a good night/evening/day!


(This is the drawing of [M/n]'s pocket knife shoe hole by the way-)

(This is the drawing of [M/n]'s pocket knife shoe hole by the way-)

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