"Lets just stick with Mystery Girl."

"Sassy. I like her! Your son found a good one, McAllister. So this is the girl he's been rhapsodizing about all afternoon." The portly man next to Adam's father smirked, and Selena recognized him as the one she'd overheard talking to the woman with the horn-rimmed glasses sitting on his other side. "Mystery girl it is, and don't anyone dare try to spoil the fun by insisting on information about this enigmatic young lady."

Well, at least she had one ally here who could help her maintain her cover. The man seemed to have a good deal of influence among his peers, because nobody made any objection. Instead, she saw people around the table nodding, with the exception of her father, who scrutinized her with narrowed eyes. He could prove problematic, but she bit back a smirk, anyway.

Hardheaded and stubborn as he was, he would be outnumbered if he tried to pester her. She kept her gaze deliberately away from his, but still observed him out of the corner of her eye.

If she could fool Father, this could be a good time to get to know the Bureau members and start learning what she needed to know without raising suspicion. Every instinct told her to make an excuse to leave and run, but for Uncle Franklin's sake, she had to do this. Testing the waters, she asked, "Are you sure it's all right if I join you? I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Nonsense, dear," Adam's father said. "It would be most ungracious of us to allow you to dine alone. Not to mention, Adam would kill me for depriving him of your company."

Selena resisted rolling her eyes.

"Dad!" Adam flushed beet red and mock-glared as he took a seat across from his father. The only available seat left at the table was next to Adam, so Selena hesitantly sank into the chair beside him. "Sorry, but yes, they are usually like this. For some reason, they love to embarrass me."

When he gave a casual shrug and a sheepish grin, Selena couldn't help but admire his easy honesty. She'd had a hard enough time admitting her feelings to Olivia, especially negative ones like embarrassment or sadness, when they were friends. To admit those feelings to strangers was unthinkable. It took a bravery she could never claim.

"Well, lay off and be nice to him," she chided, eyeing the group with an arched eyebrow, but she kept her tone light and a soft smile on her lips to make it playful.

"You guys might want to listen to her if you value your appendages, because this girl means business, and she is fierce," Adam said with a laugh.

"I don't doubt it," Father said. Selena inwardly cringed at his ominous tone, but she was careful her face and body relaxed despite her discomfort.

Selena faked a grin as she swept her gaze over the group, pretending she loved finding herself the center of attention. "What can I say? I stand up for my friends."

Her act seemed to satisfy Father, because he nodded while everyone else around the table chuckled.

"Anyway, introductions are in order. Everyone, meet Mystery Girl. Mystery Girl, and by the way, I will find out your name someday, meet the team." Adam gestured around the group to each of the ten members in turn, rattling off too many names for her to remember at once, but Selena learned that the portly man she'd recognized from earlier was Mr. Parker, and his companion with the horn rimmed glasses was Miss Aspen.

"Now, now, young McAllister, pestering the lady for personal information is forbidden," Mr. Parker reminded Adam, and Selena smirked.

"For tonight," Adam smirked right back at her and sipped his water. "but I hope once you get to know me better, you'll change your mind about staying such a mystery."

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