Luiza's diary

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A couple of days later, Luiza invited me to her apartment. When I knocked at the door, she was surprise to see me. "Valentina? What are you doing here?" I looked at her confused. "What do you mean Luiza? You texted me to come..." She approached me and whispered in my ear, "Come back in ten minutes, please. I'll explain to you everything later" I looked back at her and went away. After 10 minutes passed, I went back to her apartment and called her before knocking.

L: Hello

V: Hi Luh, it's Valentina

L: Oh hi!

V: I'm at the door of your apartment.

L: Come in

*Phone call off*

Her last words seemed strangely sweet. I opened the door and closed it behind me. I looked around me, but I couldn't see Luiza, so I walked in the apartment. It was really well decorate, I walked in her room. There were plenty of pictures on the walls and a couple of posters. There was even a trophy on her desk, I looked at it closer. It was a bachata trophy. Next to the trophy, I saw a notebook which seemed to have a special importance for Luiza. I opened it and saw that it was her personal diary. The urge to read it was intense. I started to read it, and I was kind of shocked by the part where she talked about our first date.

"When I went in the parking, she was there. At first, she was arrogant as always but soon after, she changed her behavior. She saw that I was cold, so she lent me her jacket. Why was she so nice with me? I thought she hated me. She has been sympathetic with me during all the night. And it happened. We kissed. It was one of the best moment of my life. Her lips against mine. It happened so suddenly. When we both got outside in the rain, we kissed again. I don't know what was in my head at that moment to accept all this, but I loved it. And it hit me suddenly. I felt a really strange feeling that I never felt before. I didn't want to stay there much longer, even if Valentina's presence wasn't that bad. When I arrived home, I laid in my bed thinking about her. I still can't believe that my first kiss is with Valentina Albuquerque. I then realized that I still had Valentina's jacket on. It smelled like her. I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss and about her. Her beautiful green eyes and her long, straight, brown hair. There's that look in her eyes that make me question myself about my orientation. Anyway, I know that..."

"Valentina? What are you doing with this?" A voice said behind me, interrupting me from my reading. I slowly turned back without thinking about letting go to the notebook. "Oh hi Luiza" I said with an embarrassed tone. "You know it's bad to touch the other person's things, right?" "I'm so sorry, Luh! Really! I didn't mean to make you angry. I'm just extremely curious!" She looked at me and pulled the notebook out of my hands while whispering in my ear, "estúpida" I smiled at her and asked, "So, was I really your first kiss?" "How far did you read?" "Answer my question" "Maybe. Probably. Possibly" "Luiza!" "Ok. Yes you are." I smiled at her. "How about you?" She said. "Hum. Yes, well, we don't need to talk about this, right?" "I answered so now, your turn!" "Ok. Yes, you are also." She looked at me with a smile and said, "Oh, really?" "Yes." She walked closer to me and kissed me. I smiled at her. "Do you want to dance with me?" She looked at me unsure. "What? You're afraid that I might be better than you?" "No, I'm afraid you might step on my feet." I smiled and said, "May we dance?" "What kind of dance?" "Bachata" "All right" She putted some music on, and we started to dance on the beat of the music. "You aren't that bad, menina" She whispered. "Thanks, I guess" She smiled at me and I held her tighter in my arms. I sat on her bed with her and asked, "Now, can you explain to me why you wanted me to leave earlier?" "Ok. Well, actually, my friend Duda was here, and I didn't want her to see you because you know how she is." When I heard her say Duda, my smile slightly disappeared. "Oh ok." "Oh Tina! What's wrong? You're jealous?" "Not even a little bit." "Yeah, yeah, you're lying" I smiled and took her hands in mine. "I'm not jealous" She smiled and hugged me. We spent the rest of the day together and in the evening, she left me alone in the room to go take a shower. For all day long, I had this sentence in my head, << Anyway, I know that...>> I really needed to know what was the rest of that sentence, so while she was in the shower, I grabbed her diary and went to the page where I was in the morning. Then, I continued to read.

"Anyway, I know that she makes me crazy, but in a good way this time. This girl is so beautiful and intriguing."

I couldn't stop my reading, so I went to another day that we passed together.

"Yesterday, I saw Tina again. She came to my apartment and helped me get rid of a spider. She looked so hot while she did that. After the night we passed together, I can officially say that I'm clearly not straight. She is so cute. I'm really afraid to tell her about my feelings cause maybe that she don't feel the same. I don't know what to do."

Wow. I didn't know all of that. I need to tell her about my feelings.

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