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After days since the exhibition.

Hyunjin was lucky he didn't get involved with the police and when his manager asked him where he was at the party, the artist calmly claimed that he felt tired and sick and went straight home after having a couple of drinks.

He stayed thinking back, at the time where he helped the gang steal that painting.

It was a way to pure his stress and he felt very excited doing something extremely dangerous in so long.

"What is wrong with you? You've been like this for the past 4 days"

Hyunjin looked at his side and saw Felix sitting beside him then he looked at his surroundings and forgot that he was watching a movie with him.

Felix:"is something wrong? are you hiding something from me?"

Hyunjin kept going back and forth if he should tell Felix the full story about the exhibition and the robbery.

The chef quit asking and went back on to watch whatever they were watching and at the same time Felix felt sad that Hyunjin didn't trust him with his secrets anymore.

Hyunjin:"Felix...can you put your head on my lap, it has been a while since I stroked your hair"

Felix blushed and felt uneasy at the sudden request so he looked back at Hyunjin who was giving him that smile he loves.

Just after seconds the chef put his head on top of the artist's lap who started to play with his long silver hair.

Hyunjin(hesitate):"can you tell me why you hate your brother so much?"

Felix(confused):"I don't hate him I just hate what he does for living"

Hyunjin(direct):"do you know the reason why he built that gang?"

Felix(suspicious):"no...i never asked him that..."

Hyunjin:"what if you discovered that he opened that gang for good reasons or for someone special like family like you?"

Felix:"Hyunjin...what's up with you suddenly? why are you talking about my brother's gang?"

Hyunjin sighed and looked at Felix for some time while caressing his head.

Hyunjin:"if I were kidnapped, would you ask your brother for help to rescue me?"

That was very random that made Felix sit up from his lap and look at his friend with worried eyes and gently grab his cheeks.

Felix(about to cry):"you aren't leaving me aren't you? don't leave me because of my brother...you said you wouldn't leave...please don't leave me Hyunjin I beg you"

The chef then starts crying in front of him that made the artist regret he mentioned himself being kidnapped.

Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Felix and started shushing him to calm down as he left a peck on his forehead.

Hyunjin:"that only cowards do and for me... if you ever get hurt or something bad happens to you I'll gladly become someone who will protect and save you at all the times"

Felix was touched by what Hyunjin said and looked up to his hyung and that caused Felix's nose to touch Hyunjin's.

Felix:"so...you are staying with me...forever?"

Woah... Forever is a long time...

Is this another indirect proposal?

But on the bright side the artist looked at his friend who was looking at him with disparate eyes and just smiled finding him very cute.

Hyunjin:"of course, I'll be by your side forever"

The younger brought his pinky for Hyunjin who was about to have a nose bleed for the much cuteness he received but he held himself and brought his pinky and wrapped it around Felix's.

Hyunjin:"I promise you baby, no one would stay with you longer than me"

This situation had made their friendship pass to another level but both weren't aware of it.






Back at the penthouse.

Bangchan had called the gang for a meeting including Seungmim.

Bangchan:"now everyone is here, I should say that me and Seungmim were working on that disk and found something very interesting"

The leader went on and explained about the errands of the organizations secrets and it could be with the owner's son.

Seungmim:"that being said, we want one of you to kidnap him, he's Han Jisung the one from the birthday party"

He throws Han's file on the glass coffee table and all three(Minho, Changbin, IN) looked at the files and saw his picture.

IN:"woah, such a small world *raised his arm* I CAN DO IT BOSS CHOOSE ME!"

Changbin:"you're so cruel when it comes to kidnapping people IN, I'll do it boss"

IN gave him a glare and Changbin did the same thing glaring back at him claiming that he isn't scared of him anymore.

The only one who stayed silent was Minho while looking at Han's photos for so long not believing what his ears just heard.

Bangchan:"lee know, are you okay? You're silent is creeping me out?"

They all looked at Minho's straight face and wondered what was going on in his mind.

Minho:"sir! I think I'm the most suitable for this job"

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