"Yep, I'm a musician. I assume you two are travellers?" You asked politely as Leila shook her head. "Nope, me and Sahsa are merchants." You gasped before looking at their bags, "Ah, I shouldn't have assumed. Sorry."

Leila smiled and shook your apology off, "It's not a big deal, we usually get mistaken for that anyway." You accepted her words as you looked as Sahsa who hasn't said anything yet. "Morgiana said that you were pretty but now I can definitely see that you are!"

You felt heat rush to your face as you rubbed the back of your neck, embarrassed. "Ah, thank you. I think your pretty too." Sahsa giggled into her hand as you looked at Leila. "Say, do you have any siblings?"

Leila nodded her head, "I have a older sister! Why did you ask?" You smiled, "Is her name Yara? If so, I'm one of her friends." Her eyes widened, "Her name is Yara! How has she been? I haven't talked to her in a while."

You paused for a second, 'I mean, she was nearly trafficked and assaulted by an old guy but other than that she seems fine...' You smiled at her and held her hands. "She's fine. She lives in Hankala right now."

Leila held your hands tighter and let go. "I'm glad she's alright." You nodded and looked at Morgiana who retuned your eyes at this point. "I'm guessing you three are going to sell your items?"

Sahsa nodded with an uneasy expression. "We were planning on it however, by the looks of this place... I'd doubt we'd be able to sell much." You frowned at her words. "You've noticed too, huh?"

Leila shook both of your negative words off before asking a man who was walking a few feet away. "Pardon me? What's happened here?" She asked as the man responded quickly, "Rogue thieves have invaded our city because of the internal strife in Balbadd. I suggest you guys get out of here as quickly as possible."

Now, Leila seemed nervous and Sahsa muttered her name. "I mean, there's no reason to fear a few rouge thieves. Let's do business as usual. Would you like to come along, (Y--" Her words cut off as she bumped into someone else.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" She shouted, gaining some attention as she glared at the man. Without any emotion in his face, he spoke coldly, "My, my, what a vulgar little girl." He raised his hand, making chains move and rattle.

He started walking again and now you noticed the slaves behind him. You winced at their dishevelled looks and how they couldn't even look up and kept their eyes on the floor. You saw Morgiana's shoulders tense as you put a hand on them.

She looked at you and then nodded silently and looked away. You frowned. "A slave merchant..." Leila spoke with a deep frown as Sahsa sympathized with slaves, saying "Those poor people..." You couldn't help but nod and hold Morgiana's shoulder tighter.

♡ ♡ ♡

You shifted around in the makeshift bed that Leila had given you. It was a little uncomfortable, but it was better than nothing. You heard Morgiana shuffle around too and you looked at her to see her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling.

"You okay, Morgiana?" You asked as she flinched at the sudden voice, but she calmed down and nodded. "Yes. I just had a nightmare." You frowned upon hearing this, seeing the slaves must have resurfaced some horrible memories.

You sat up, "Do you want to talk about it?" You asked calmly as her eyes widened again but shook her head. Leila looked over at you and Morgiana before smiling lightly in the dark. "I have some herbal tea that would help you sleep. Would you like some?"

Travelling Musician | Various!Magi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now