Chapter Seven: Crush On You 💞

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Time Skip 12:03pm

"Finally! Lunch!" Soarin sighed, "You hungry, aren't you?" I giggled, "Yes, starving! But I already have a full course meal right in front of me. Well, maybe not full course, you're a little short." He chuckled, I felt my face turning crimson red, was he refuring to me? And did he just call me short?! "I'm not short!" I stomped, "Dash, your 5,1. I'm 6 feet." He rolled his eyes, "Hmph." I said, "And guess what! Im not on the menu today, sooo, go eat soap!" I said, "I'll check every day until you're available." He winked, "I-I, JUST FIND A FREAKING TABLE ALREADY SKIES!" I yelled, "Okay, okay! Sheesh woman." He said, putting his arms up and surrender. We sat down at a table, and I started sipping my drink, which was a strawberry milkshake, by the way. Soarin was just, munching on his pie... We sat in an awkward silence, until... "Dash?" He called my name, I gave him the signal to go, as I sipped my shake, "Do you actually like me? I mean, on Saturday, you kinda said-" He mumbled awkwardly, *Dash spits out drink* "WHAT?!" I yelled, "I'm just curious..." he said, "I-I..." I mumbled...


Last Saturday replayed in my head, why why why, WHY?! Did I have to say that?! "Um... I..." I mumbled once again, what happened to the loud cocky girl!? I suddenly felt Soarin put his hand on top of mine. I blushed at how sweet this guy was... "Well, for the record, you don't need to say anything, if you don't want to Dashie." He smiled; I looked up at him. "Thanks." I smiled back, "Sorry for shouting at you earlier, and being an absolute-" I started, "Shhh, Dash, it's okay now." He said giving me another warm smile. He let my hand go and we headed off to our next class gym! My fav!

Time Skip 2:39pm

If you're wondering, how was gym? Well, DON'T ASK! Mr. Zeyper Breeze, just joined our class, bleh... And you know, he's quite a handful! No seriously, don't ask. Moving on! Now I have my free period! Yes! I'm currently walking to the side off the school with Soarin. We have all our classes together except... English, which I have Pinkie to keep me company in anyways. "Here." He said we sat down on the grass; thank the Lord it's not wet this time...

Flashback: 1 Week Ago

Okay, this is the spot, Dash!" Soarin smiled, we sat down and- "EW! WHY'S IT WET!?" I shrieked, Soarin gave me a funny look, "Ahem, I mean, did you pee in the grass Soar?" I asked, he suddenly bursted out laughing, which made me laugh too. "Ah, Dash your hilarious." He chuckled. I giggled at that, and we both got up and found a dry spot to sit at.

Present Day...

"Not wet Soar?" I giggled, "Hmm, uhm, no. You may sit down, your highness." He chuckled, "If not, my lap is available." He smiled proudly *RECORD SCRATCH* What the- Uhhh, okay... "Uh, no thanks." I blushed, "Soarinnn... Can you buy me a coffee later?" I asked in a pleading voice, "Uhh, why?" He asked, "Because I'll be craving some later." I rolled my eyes, "Uhh, nah." He said and continued to pick at the grass, excuse me? Sir! "Soarinnn!" I complained, "Nope." Simply said, okay, that's it, I rarely use this side of me but... FOR THE COFFEE! "Soary..." I said, and leaned on his shoulder, I saw his face turn red, perfect... "Uhhh, Dash what are you-" He started, "Can you buy me-" I was about to ask, "No, I'll be busy later." He said, OKAY SIR, YOU WILL NOT REFUSE TO BUY YOUR BFF COFFEE! I suddenly hopped onto his lap, I leaned into his face, "D-Dash..." he blushed, "Coffee?" I asked in my baby voice, "Uhm, uhhh... Y-Yes, whatever you w-want." He stuttered, "Thank you!" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek, BRO, he turned tomato red! Exactly, why, I NEED CAFFEINE! After things calmed down a little, Soarin once again held my hands, "Dashie, tomorrow my parents will be heading out with my siblings to Finland." He said, hm? "What about you?" I asked, "Like I said, I'll be busy this weekend." He sighed, okay Soarin, stop making me feel bad for asking for coffee. "Oh..." I only managed to say, now I feel guilty... "My parents said I'll be staying at your house for the weekend." He said looking deep into my eyes, *RECORD SCRATCH* woah, woah, woah, woah. He said what now?! Fire Streak has a huge soccer game on the weekend. And he needs a parent or guardian to go, so that means... "My parents will also be out of town, along with Fire." I said, a little shaken. He suddenly gave me his classic smirk. "Guess we'll be staying together, alone." He said, why do I have a bad feeling about this? "Hehe... Cool..." I said nervously, *RINGGG* "Com'on, let's get going home." Soarin said, we both got up from the grass, and made our way back to my house.

Time Skip 5:18pm

I watched as Fire Streak and my parents brought their huge luggages downstairs. It's not like I could help anyway, their bags are practically bigger than me! "Awww, is my wittle sissy going to miss me?" Fire said and came and gave me a hug, "Yeah, of course. But you'll be back on Monday, right?" I said, full of hope. "Yes, or course dear, make sure you don't destroy the house, and since you can cook a little, you can feed Soarin too." My mom said, I internally groaned, I forget about Soarin... "Okay..." I sighed, "Also, I'm borrowing your soccer ball so I can get it signed by the other team!" My dad said cheerfully, "Dad! Those people are my enemies!" Fire Streak face palmed, I giggled, and he went back to carrying the bags into the taxi. "I'll make sure to buy you some stuff their sis." Fire said and gave me a kiss on my cheek, I gave him a tight hug before he got into the taxi, "See you in a few days, sweetie." My dad gave me a quick hug, "We love you!" My mom blew kisses at me. Eh, okay this is getting sappy... Way to ruin the moment. Whatever... After the taxi drove off the airport, I went up to my room to... Text my friends!

IrisDashie: Hey guys!

CrazyPinkPerson: HIII DASHIEEE

CowGurl: Hey y'all.

DiamondWoman: Hello darlings.

EggheadSparkle: Hi girls

ShyAnimalGirl#2: Hi


IrisDashie: Hey Pinkie you know there's a button that lets you turn off caps, right?

CrazyPinkPerson: THERE IS?!!!!?

CrazyPinkPerson: Oh, I found it!!!!!!

DiamondWoman: I'll be busy with dress sales this weekend.

CowGurl: And I have to do farm work, especially with winter coming up.

EggheadSparkle: I'll be studying.

ShyAnimalGirl#2: Angel wants me to take him shopping.

IrisDashie: I have to stay the whole weekend in a house with Soarin.

DiamondWoman: SOARIN SKIES?!

IrisDashie: Yea duhhh, I've known him for like ever. And he's extremely annoying.

CrazyPinkPerson: MORE THAN ME?!?!!?

IrisDashie: Not even close.

CrazyPinkPerson: REALLY?!

IrisDashie: Anyways, I have to go guys, bye!


I shut off my phone and laid on my bed bored. Jeez, I just can't wait till Soarin gets here. I can't believe about a few weeks ago I was so excited for this guy to get here. Little did I know that he was a flirt, the way he calls me princess was a big no-no. And then flirting with me?! Ew! I just hate sappy things. I'm getting hungry... Guess I'll go make so dinner... Wait, I don't know how to cook that much. Last time I almost burnt down the house... Maybe I can order food... But still, my mom did say to cook... I'll just not, I'm not risking it... And I can't even drive, because of my car explosion! I'll just starve then! Yay! Note the sarcasm. I decided to watch some TV, I sat on the couch- What was that? I swear I heard something... Anyways- Again? I looked around my living room, but it was just me. "Ouch!" I heard a voice say, I picked up baseball bat, (I have one in every room, just in case.) I saw something right behind one of my mom's plants. I got ready to swing, until they popped up. "Ah! Jeez Dash!" Soarin said startled, HOW IN THE FREAKING WORLD DID HE GET IN HERE?! "How did you get in here?!" I said still holding the bat, "Uhm, your mom gave me the keys. See?" He said showing me the extra house keys, MOM?! WHY?! "Uh, you could've knocked." I said and placed my bat down. *Stomach growls* Ehhh, that's embarrassing... "Are you hungry?" Soarin asked, "Yeah... I'm not risking burning down my house." I sighed, "Well then, let's get some food!" He said, dragging to his car.

A/N: Finally done! Don't worry guys, of course they'll be a part two. It's not like I wouldn't tell you what happens. Anyways, pls read my other books, located on my old profile HiIm_Hanna! And have a great day/night!

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