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"I'm going to the market. Do you want anything?" I asked before going out.

"Nah, we're good," Yunho said, giving me my scarf.

I didn't have anything in particular. I wanted to buy, but I wanted to go away from Seonghwa for a moment. Ever since that night, we were out to watch the stars, I had that painful feeling around him. My whole body was aching just at the sight of him. But mainly my heart. And I didn't know why.

I decided to go for a walk and clear my head. The market thing was just an excuse to go out. So I spent the next hour going around the neighbourhood in the cold weather. The cold didn't bother me at all. As long as my body didn't hurt.

At some point, I decided to go back. So I stopped by the market to buy something, and I went on my way. I was about five minutes away from home when my phone rang. I picked it up. It was Yunho.

"Where are you? Are you outside in this cold?" he asked me over the phone.

"I'm on my way back, don't worry," I told him.

"Hurry up. There will be a snowstorm soon," Yuyu told me.

"Sure, Yuyu."

I hung up on Yunho. He was too worried about me for nothing. Or so I thought. I walked down the stairs when my foot slipped. The stairs were frozen. I felt myself flying just a moment before a sharp pain pierced me. I had hit my head. Buzzing noise rang in my head, and everything in front of my eyes faded away into a black void. I heard someone's voice, but it was as if I was underwater.


I was cleaning around the house when I noticed Yunho's grim face. He was in a rush. I went to him, trying to calm him down and ask what was happening. But he was on the verge of tears. I could sense his emotions.

"Hyung, I need to hurry!" he told me, his voice cracking.

"Calm down and tell me what's happening," I spoke calmly.

"Hongjoong hyung had an accident! He's in the hospital right now," he said, looking for his car keys. My heart dropped to the ground.

"I'm coming with you," I said. It wasn't a question.

Soon enough, we were on our way to the hospital. I used my powers to check on Dal's condition. He was in a bad state on the line between life and death. I couldn't let him disappear once again. I waited so long to meet him again. I couldn't let him go.

In the hospital, we tried to find his room. The nurse told us he was in reanimation after his accident. I knew that my love was in danger. Dal lay unconscious in the hospital bed, connected to a blood bag. The doctor was there. He told us that Hongjoong was in a coma because of his head trauma and blood loss. The doctor also told us that they would move Hongjoong to a separate room once he was stable. We wanted to stay with him for the night, but it wasn't possible while he was in reanimation.


Back at the house, the mood was grim. Everyone was worried about Hongjoong, and I could see how much they loved him. It made me feel a little better, knowing that my love had good friends in this life. Compared to the previous where he was alone and betrayed. It was better now.

We spent the night together. Each of them told us stories about Hongjoong and the funny moments they spent together. It was somehow comforting. It helped me calm down and learn more about his new life. I stayed with them and listened carefully to everything they said.

At some point, only I and Yunho stayed in the living room. Opened a bottle of wine and talked to each other. He couldn't calm down even a tiny bit, and I was the same. But we could only stay and try to comfort each other. And drink.

"I want to ask something," Yunho spoke. "Are you in love with Hongjoong hyung?" he asked me.

"Yes, I am," I responded without hesitation. "Because he is my fated lover."

"Fate? Well, I don't believe in such a thing, but I'm glad that one more person cares for hyung," Yunho smiled.

After that, we stayed for longer to talk. Yunho reminded me too much of an old friend I had in the past. My best friend gave up on his immortality because of his mortal lover. I never hated him for this. Because, I was about to do the same for my precious moon. My doubts about his identity grew bigger. At some point, the wine took over the best of me. My curiosity was stronger. So I cast a quick spell on him, and he fell asleep. Once asleep, I cut my finger and drew a rune on his forehead.

The rune helped me to see his soul. At first, I didn't see much, but soon enough, I saw what I was looking for. The leftover energy of a deity. I dug in deeper. His memories showed in front of me. I saw myself in them. Yunho was my old friend. Who could know that I would have met, not only my lover but my best friend too?

I stayed with Yunho for a little longer, just enough to remove the rune from his skin. After that, I carried Yunho to his room, where Mingi took him in and thanked me. Then I returned to my room. I could concentrate on my connection with Hongjoong. He was in bad condition. And the human doctors couldn't do much to help him. No matter if it was in the past or even now. I had to take it into my hands. I was too afraid of losing him like the last time. He died once in my hands, but never again.

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