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My memories from the last night were blurry. I remembered that we ate the food Seonghwa made. And we drank some. The rest of the night was blurry. Did I get by myself in my room? Did someone carry me over? I had no idea. Probably it was the second, knowing that I can't drink. Anyways, I woke up with a hangover. Looking around my new room, slightly confused for a second.

"Hongjoong?" I heard a gentle voice over the door.

I couldn't respond properly. I could only make a random sound, indicating I was awake. It was enough for that person to open my door and walk inside. It was Seonghwa. He, walked inside and kneeled down in front of my bed. He was observing me gently.

"I brought you a hungover drink," he spoke. "How are you feeling? Your face is a little pale."

His voice was quiet and soft. He reached his hand, placing it on my forehead, to check on me. Then Seonghwa opened the bottle and gave it to me. It felt as if my mom was over and taking care of me.

"Thanks," I smiled as much as I could.

"There's breakfast in the kitchen, please, eat it when you feel better."

I watched him, walking out of my room, leaving the door slightly open. That guy was a stranger, but managed to give me a taste of home. Somehow it gave him bonus points of attractivity. I meant, he was tall, handsome, could cook, and took care of the others. Kinda smash. However, I had to shake that idea out of my head. He was a stranger and a roommate. No way to fall for that. Plus, I had promised myself, to stay away from men for a while.

It took me some time to stand up and go out of my room. Most of my friends were already in the kitchen, having some hungover soup and being silent. Most of them were suffering like me. Yet, Jongho seemed to be fine. Yeosang too. Maybe because one had incredible endurance to alcohol, and the other drank only a little. Anyway. I sat on the empty spot. There was a bow of soup for me. That guy prepared everything for us, huh?

"Hyung, my head hurts!" Wooyoung whined to me when he saw me.

"Wooyoung, we're all sick. You're not special," I responded, annoyed.

(Shout out to Got7 and Jackson Wang for this reference.)

That day was heavy for most of us. We mostly lay down, complaining. At some point, the guys played on their gaming consoles but kept it quiet. The noise was the last thing we needed in that condition. Yet, by the afternoon, we felt better, and everything went to normal. So I decided to go for some alone time in my room and work. Working on my music and lyrics was my way of resting. Even tho, my friends called it overworking.

I sat on my chair, got my headphones and cracked my fingers. I had to finish a song I was working on, before my things were stolen. After all, he stole most of my work by just taking my laptop.


I spent the day looking over Dal and his friends. They were hungover. Most of the time, it was easy cause they were laying around. But at some point, Dal left his room. I asked Yunho, the friendliest-looking one, about it. He told me that Hongjoong likes to work alone. He also explained that he tends to skip meals and overwork himself. It made me concerned.

About an hour after he left for his room, I decided to prepare him something. I got him a cup of coffee and a snack. So I knocked on his door, waiting to hear an answer. But he didn't answer. I walked into his room, meeting darkness. Inside was so dark, the only light came from his computer and laptop. I walked closer. Placing the tray on his desk, I gently patted his shoulder. He got startled.

"Sorry, I came to bring you some snacks," I told him.

"Thanks." he squinted his eyes against me.

"Don't push yourself too hard," I told him while petting his hair.

Dal blinked, confused, before nodding, and then I opened his curtains to let the light come in. The room brightened before I walked out and left him with his work. I wanted to stay by his side and watch him. Just watch my love do whatever he wanted to. Being separated for so long. Even for immortals, who see human time as a moment, it felt like a torturing eternity when your beloved died. I had waited for so long to meet him again.


I decided to take a nap in my room. Taking a nap was rather complicated. As an immortal, I could only lie down and keep my eyes closed. The other possibility was a long hibernation, but that wasn't needed. So using my powers, I watched over Dal in the other room. Even in this life, he kept his old habits. My lover worked as hard as before and didn't even take a break, no matter what.

At some point, he started yawning and rubbing his eyes. Dal was tired. But he kept working even in that state. I decided to check on him. I made him a cup of coffee and went to his room. As before, he didn't answer when I knocked. So I walked inside, and again I gently touched his shoulder. This time he didn't get startled. Instead, he smiled tiredly.

"Why don't you take a break? You look tired," I said as softly as possible.

"But I'm fine," he tried to argue, but his yawn exposed him.

I pouted at him, reaching my hand to get him out of his chair. He was acting a little cold, but in the end, Dal took my hand. Once up, we walked towards the living room. There was no one except Yunho. But he was taking a nap on the couch. Hongjoong sat on the other side, blinking slightly. I felt warmth just by looking at his beautiful face.

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