I hand Eddie my jacket after sliding it off, he gives me a proud smile before letting me run off into the woods. I let the sound of a faint heartbeat lead me farther into the forest, the sound of its footfalls lets me know it’s a good sized buck. I am hiding in the shadow of a huge tree with my meal in sight, I feel more confident in my handling of bigger creatures so taking the buck down is easy. It struggles in my strong grasp, I stop myself before I go too far, I watch it pull itself to its feet and run away into the night.

I smile proudly to myself, suddenly a feeling washes over me and I let out a deep, guttural growl. A deep, pulling sensation within my lower abdomen makes me double over in shock, what the hell, I think to myself. I let out a howl before I can even stop myself, I brace myself against a tree to keep myself steady. I try to steady my breathing when I hear a howl sound off not too far from me, it calms me just a bit knowing it is Steve. My ears tune in just in time to hear two pairs of feet running towards where I am standing.

Eddie reaches me before Steve does, “Whoa, hey. What happened?”, he asks me, he holds his out towards me, close to touching my arms without touching me, unsure of the situation. My eyes lock with Steve’s and he stops dead in his tracks, his eyes turn a bright yellow and he lets out a deep growl of his own. “Something is happening, I don’t know what it is. It hurts, but it also feels good.”, my voice sounds strained as I talk. Eddie looks between Steve and I, then it seems to click and he sighs softly upon realizing what is happening based on Steve’s body language and the state he has found me in.

Steve’s nostrils flare slightly as if he is taking in the scents around him, his eyes fall closed for a moment, “You’re in heat.”, he explains. I raise a brow at this, I have heard the term before and know exactly what it means. The three of us had spoken at length about them making me their mate at a later time, only after we could figure out how to deal with my witch problem, but it seems my body has other ideas. It was signaling to me I am to be mated now, we all also know they are meant to mark me as theirs at the same time. Their bites will scar, letting others know that I am taken and spoken for.

With my heat suddenly coming over me and being in the presence of them both has made my body feel like it is buzzing, my thoughts keep playing images of them just having their way with me. This leads to my mounting arousal of being around them at the moment, Eddie’s eyes begin to burn a bright red when he catches scent of my arousal. I whimper slightly at the looks they give me, their own natures taking over in this moment, I want nothing more than for both of them to satisfy my every need and want. I want nothing more than for both of them to mark me as theirs, my own basic instinct taking over. The silence between us is palpable, my skin begins to feel hot under their hungry gazes, “We need to get somewhere more comfortable for you.”, Eddie finally breaks the silence between us.


I make it back to my apartment before the pair show up, I nearly jump out of my skin when there is a knock at my front door. I open it to see two flustered young men, Steve’s big hands gently cup my face, his eyes looking back and forth between my eyes and lips, “May I?”, he asks me. “Yes, please.”, my tone is pleading, needing him to sate my need for him. With my answer his lips finally crash to mine, soft growls can be heard coming from us both. The kiss is hungry, filled with an unending need for one another, teeth clash together in our haste. 

Steve rests his forehead against mine, our chests heave as we pant hard, I turn my face slightly when I feel Eddie come up and press himself behind me. “You are so beautiful.”, his voice sounds deeper than usual, this doesn’t help the state I am in, I let out a soft whine at his words. My attention is brought back to Steve, “We will be as gentle as we can, if it gets to be too much, please tell us. We don’t want to hurt you.”, he tells me. “Okay, but please do something, I can’t take it anymore.”, I beg.

Things That Go Bump In The Night [Stranger Things Monster AU]Where stories live. Discover now