Chapter Three

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November 20, 2021

I have been keeping a low profile for the most part since my arrival in Hawkins, but that hasn’t stopped me from getting side-eyed looks from people wherever I go. I take a seat across the table from Sheriff Hopper at Benny’s, “Hey kid I know you can’t go home for the Thanksgiving holiday, you are more than welcome to come over for dinner. Jane and Will are excited to meet you.”, he offers. It makes sense that he does. I have formed a friendship with the sheriff after our first initial meeting. He knows the details of why I relocated to his town and understands that it wasn’t my fault. I take a sip of my water as I think over the offer, “I appreciate it Mr. Hopper, I do. I just, I don’t know if I can be around others quite like me just yet.”, I tell him truthfully. I have been wary of the other supernatural beings like me since I arrived, other than the waitress, Dawn, at Benny’s, only because she knows Eri.

He nods softly, “Of course, I understand. Well the offer is there if you change your mind and please call me Jim.”, he states. We eat our food in silence for a moment before the sound of the bell above the entrance tinkles, my attention is brought away from my food when I feel someone watching me. I look up to see that very same long haired young man from a few weeks ago staring me down, I clear my throat and look away. “Um…Jim, do you know who that is?”, the words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. Jim looks to where I have drawn my attention away from, he frowns softly and wipes his mouth quickly, “That is Eddie Munson. Be careful around that one.”, he tells me. I raise a brow at this, “Is…is he like me? Um…like most of us here?”, I ask.

Jim is silent for a moment, he then nods, “Yes, he’s a vampire, in fact he is the leader of the small faction here in Hawkins.”, I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat at his words. I have been keeping such a low profile that I completely forgot to place what this Eddie was. I not only had a werewolf staring at me whenever I came into town, but also a vampire. As to what they want, I do not know. “Like I said, be careful around him. He keeps his people in line for the most part, but he is still ruthless.”, Jim states bluntly. Silence falls over the pair of us as we finish our lunch. I can’t help but look over at the young man from time to time, his piercing gaze sending a shiver down my spine.


Thanksgiving Day

I had been sitting and thinking the past few days over Jim’s offer of joining him and his family for Thanksgiving dinner, I decide it is time I finally get around more people besides him and Dawn. I pull my phone from my pocket to dial his number, “Hey kid.”, he answers after the third ring. “Um, hey is the offer to join you for Thanksgiving still on the table?”, I ask him. “Sure is.”, he replies, I think for a moment before talking back, “Is there anything I can bring?”, I question. There is a soft chuckle from his side, “Nah kid, just bring yourself. We got everything covered here, so don’t worry yourself about that.”, he assures me. “Oh okay, um…I’ll be by in a bit.”, I state, he hums his response before the call ends.

As soon as I get off the phone with Jim, I ring my parents to wish them a happy Thanksgiving and to let them know what I am doing, “That’s great dear, we are glad you found some people to spend this day with.”, my mother tries to be comforting, but deep down we know it hurts us both to be away from each other on a family holiday under the circumstances that we are under. We say our ‘love yous’ and ‘goodbyes’ before I rummage around my closet for a comfy yet impressionable outfit to wear for dinner. I pull a pair of black slacks to pair with my dark gray blouse and black flats, I throw my hair up into a high ponytail before putting on a light layer of makeup.

Things That Go Bump In The Night [Stranger Things Monster AU]Where stories live. Discover now