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"Selene!" My eyes drifted off of him to the feminine voice that was behind me, Kezlee.

"Do you wanna go to the fair with me this Saturday? I mean you don't have to I was just-"

"Oh I'll go." I pull some paper from my bag that I had used earlier to cheat on my test, grabbing a pencil that was at the bottom of my bag, I wrote down my number and gave it to him.

"Here just text me later alright? I gotta go." I turn away, on the outside I looked so calm but in reality inside I was feeling both excitement and embarrassment.

"Oh my god did you talk to him?! What did he say? What did you say actually?" Kezlee asked a series of questions. Squealing with excitement for me. I smile.

"Oh my gosh Selene is getting her first boyfriend!" Estefani shouted.

In 5th grade. Everyone had dated or liked at least one person. But for the entire year, I was still going through such a weird phase where I wouldn't like anyone, say everyone was ugly and no one was attractive, meanwhile I would show up with my hair looking like a rats nest, greasy and tangled, chapped ass lips, and wearing the same clothes for days, not to mention wearing anime shirts and all that.

That was not something I liked to remember.

It was normal for people to date in 5th grade. At the beginning of 6th I had told myself over and over I wouldn't like anyone because they were all ugly. Until March of course. Or somewhere during that I don't remember. I had started to like Peyton and notice him more often. When I had some classes with him, we had sat together in math and I didn't like him at the time but he was funny to me and then that's how it started.

Then we had went on spring break, the day I came back, he had started looking at me more and showing signs he did like me which had be obsessing over him. After that I started getting popular and being friends with his friends. I had actually looked better, my hair was brushed, along with my teeth white, face washed, acne gone. And everything was perfect.

Anyways I don't know how I even pulled him. Me, Kezlee, and Estefani all stepped out the gym where the dance was being held, already starting to end. We had stepped out to Kezlee's older sister's car. Got in and went back to our own neighborhood which was only 15 minutes away from here.

"Okay so first I went up to him, said I liked his glasses, then Luis just came and asked him something like "Peyton did you tell Selene you like her yet", then Peyton was literally glaring at him until he walked away, then after you called me I gave him my number to text me later." I explain, for the rest of the seemingly endless 15 minutes we squealed and giggled about our crushes, kicking our feet and twirling our hair.

First Estefani got dropped off, then I did.

"Bye Kezlee!" I wave, smiling, she waves back and leaves. When I looked at my house, it was odd. There was something off or strange about it. I didn't know how to explain it. I just got chills. I brush it off, stepping past the three cars we have that don't even work and up to the front door, staring at the dark brown paint for a few moments before reassuring myself.

"Ok it's alright it's nothing. I am going to go home, enjoy the time I have with my mom on her day off, eat pizza, drink Dr Pepper, and eat a bunch of ice cream while watching the hot chick and laughing at it with her." I whisper, placing my hand on the silver door knob, slowly twisting it.

As soon as I opened it I was facing a sight that I was not prepared to see yet. At my age.

I was completely incorrect, far from right.

My dark brown eyes scan their surroundings, whatever they could see. They were widened, I felt...no, I knew my pupils had shrunk extremely small as they processed my feelings.

I stare at the bodies before me. Each one was a different family member. Four. My mom was sat with her back against the wall and her head drooping and dripping with blood, my dad was laying on his back, his palms were open, near his left was a pistol. One of my elder brothers was laying on his side, his eyes still open, yet there was no blood, you could still tell his death had happened. My other elder brother lied on his back, a hole in his neck, a gunshot.

"No no no no no.." I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes as my hands tug at my hair nervously. I fall to my knees, checking my mom's heartbeat first, it's slowing. Then my brothers...it's..gone. They're dead. Lastly, my dads, still alive.

"Darling...I'm not gonna make it. Please, your dad killed both of your brothers and shot me in the head. Your brother started an argument and your father had enough...please I need you to shoot your father, it's his last wish, he wants to die." I tremble at my moms words. My hands twitch. I stare at her in disbelief.

"No...this isn't happening. It's just another nightmare, right? You can't be serious...wake up wake up!" I try punching myself as my mother shakes her head.

"Please shoot him and call the police. He's still alive.."

"But...No why do I have to shoot him?!"

"Please...it's his last wish."

I gulped, as much as I disliked my father I still loved him no matter how bad he had treated me. A tear falls down my cheeks, my arms reach down towards the pistol. My fingers wrapping around it and lifting the weapon in their grasp. I hold it up, it's still full of one bullet. I squeeze my eyes shut, my mascara messing up a bit as I pull the trigger back. The sound of a gunshot echoing. I drop to my knees, holding in my tears and trying not to cry.

I reach for my phone, unlocking it and going straight to my dials. I quickly dialed 911 and held it up to my ear.

No answer?! Are you kidding me?!

"Fuck you!" I scream, I throw my phone down.

"I'll go get Kezlee!" I run outside again, Kezlee's house wasn't far from here. Only down the street to the left. While I was running, too distracted from what was behind me.

I began hearing heavy footsteps, I got scared someone had seen what I just did to my own family member and  started running faster. Then something had grabbed me, something black. I didn't get to see it for long, but it was a tall figure. And pushed me into a white portal, I must have been dreaming.

It felt and seemed like I was falling through a white void. But where was I falling to?

I looked down to see hands that looked like they were made from porcelain dragging me down. I screamed as loud as I could but I guess no one could hear me through that empty void.

I blacked out.

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