Moonlight Confessions 🌙

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So this was inspired from an ai thing I did 😆


It's 10 o clock at night. I can't shake the feeling that someone's watching me. I'm in my room currently. In front of me, on my bed, is a single letter. I live by myself...

"What the hell?" I say to myself. I grab the letter, and read it.

Dear y/n,
I've been watching you for a while...

My eyes dart around the room, but I can't seem to find anyone. I continue reading the letter.

I've really grown onto you, and I just had to write you a letter before it's too late. Your hair that glows in the sunlight... Your pretty eyes... It's all just so... So... Perfect!

"This would be cute, if it wasn't in the middle of the night, and if they didn't start out with that creepy opening line" I say to myself. Then I continue reading the letter.

I've never felt this way about anyone before... I'll take care of you... I promise... I love you. Love from, unknown.

Meet me on the beach after 11. Please..

I check the time. 10:48pm. I fold the letter back up, and throw it in the trash. I have to admit, I am kinda curious as to who wrote this. But I'm terrified of going to the beach alone to meet up with this secret, creepy admirer, but I decide to bite the bullet, and go.

I walk down the path, it is a little past 11, and the moon is shining on the pale, sand-filled ground. Suddenly, I see a figure, and they notice me, too. We lock eyes, and there is no escaping now as they stare me down, their face covered with a hoodie.

"H-hello?" I call out. "I'm here"

The figure stares at me, then walks toward me. As they walk, the figure becomes more.. Familiar.

"S-so you wanted to meet me here?" I say shaking a little. I still can't make out the face.

The figure nods. Their figure starts to match that of a particular villager..

Is that.. Sebastian?

"Sebastian?" I ask. Sebastian, now unhooded, nods once again. "Why did you want to meet me here?"

"I need to tell you I love you.. You make me feel so, so special.. I've never felt this way about anyone..." Sebastian says.

"Why couldn't you have told me in a non creepy way? Sending me a letter late at night? Making the letter sound creepy?"

"I.. I didn't know how to approach you. You never seemed like the social type, so I thought this might've been the best option. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it for it to sound creepy.." He looks at the ground.

"I don't bite, you know. A-and yeah I'm not the social type, but I still think I'm approachable at least" I say with my hands in the air.

"Ah, alright then.. I hope you can forgive me.. I.. really do love you. You make me feel so warm inside, and safe." Sebastian says staring at me now.

My eyes dart to the sand. I take a deep breath. "I-I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same"

".. You don't?.." Sebastian looks down, a sad look in his eyes. "Well.. alright then.."

"I'm sorry. My eyes are already set on someone else..." I say still looking down, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Who?.." Sebastian, curious, asks with a hint of hurt behind those words. I don't say anything. "Who???" He asks, this time a little more aggressive. I could tell he was getting pissed. "Can you at least tell me what they look like? What color eyes? Blue? Brown? Hmm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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