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I came to the Cindersap forest, and sat on the little dock. I just needed to get away from everything and everyone for a bit. Life on the farm was becoming stressful. I felt like I couldn't keep up with everything. There were too many crops to water, too many animals to feed all by myself.

This spot became my thinking/safe space. I came here every time I needed to clear my head. I sat on the dock, and hung my feet over into the water. The fall air was crisp, it was quiet. The way I wanted it to be.

Then, I heard footsteps approaching behind me.

"I came here to be alone, so if you could just go aw-" I stopped when I turned around, and saw who it was. "Oh, it's you."

"You come here too, huh?" It was Sam.

"Yeah, I've been coming here pretty often lately" I chuckled looking out into the water. "But I haven't seen you here."

"Yeah. Life's been okay lately" Sam started "so I haven't been out here in a long while. But what's on your mind?"

I stayed quiet at first. Then I figured I'd tell him.

"The farm work has been getting too much. I thought I could do it on my own, but im quickly realizing that that is not the case" I said laughing at how dumb I am. "I feel like im failing. Maybe I'm just not meant to be a farmer. Maybe coming here was a mistake"

"For one, for doing all this work all by yourself, I think you're doing a damn good job. You're being too hard on yourself. And two, I'm glad you moved here. If you hadn't, we wouldn't be friends, and I can say that you have changed my life in the best ways." Sam said smiling, resting a hand on my back.

I slightly laughed. "Thanks" I smiled then it faded away. "I just don't know how I'm going to get through this month. It's too overwhelming. I feel like I can't keep up with the crops or the animals."

"I could help you! I don't mind, especially if it means it lessens the load on you" He smiled.

"I don't want to trouble you or anyt-"

"Y/n, I mean it" Sam cut me off. "You're not troubling me. I want to help."

"If you say so" I said softly.

"I do say so" Sam smiled. "I want to help"

We sat quietly for a bit.

"So why are you out here" I asked him.

"Oh, I. I'm also stressing a bit. With my dad gone. I kinda have to be the man of the house, and I feel like I have this giant load on me, ya know?" Sam said looking at me. I just nodded my head, and stayed quiet as he spoke. "A-and Vincent has been asking more about when dad is coming home, and has been asking about what is going down with the Gotoro Empire, and I don't know what to tell him. He's a kid, I don't want him to worry. But I also don't want to give him this false hope, ya know?"

"I don't necessarily think it's false hope. Children should have hope. They shouldn't even have to worry about these kinds of things." I paused looking at the ground, then back up at Sam. "I'm sorry you're going through this." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

Sam took a deep breath. "You're right. I just hope my dad is okay, especially for Vince's sake. We haven't heard from him in a while. Last time we heard from him was through a letter a couple months back. We need our old man back."

"I wish there was more I could do. But I've never been in this situation before" I said staring at the ground.

Sam chuckled. "Just talking with me is good enough help"

We sat in silence again.

"Thanks. By the way. For talking with me about this. I feel a little better" Sam said with a slight smile, breaking the silence.

"I'm always here if you need someone to vent to, or if you just need someone to listen" I smiled.

"I'm here for you, too. Okay?" Sam said slightly quieter. "Well I should probably head back, wouldn't wanna worry anyone." Sam then paused, and got up holding his hand out to help me up. "You coming?" He asked smiling.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna stay here for just a little bit longer. Thank you for talking with me. I needed that" I said.

Sam smiled warmly. "Alright. Stay safe then." He started walking away. "Night, y/n"

"Good night." I said smiling softly.

I sat at the dock for a little longer. By this time, it was dark. The sounds heard were the croaking of frogs, and the sound of cicadas. It was so peaceful. I walked back into my house, and was greeted by the warmth of the fireplace. I looked out the window. The moon was shining so brightly, as if to tell me that everything was going to be okay. And in that moment, it did.

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