Rainy Day 💕🌧

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This is a little shorter, but I thought it was cute


It was a rainy day in the valley. I've always loved how peaceful the valley get when it's rainy. The town is so empty and quiet. It's a perfect day to just read a book and drink coffee, or sleep all day hehe. The pitter patter of the rain on the roof is so calming.

Sam and I were in the farmhouse, just laying in bed. Sam's head was lying on my chest, listening to the rain. His arms wrapped around me. He had a soft smile on his face, feeling at peace.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked scratching his head.

He sat up quickly, and gave me a sheepish look.

"Oh boy" I tilted my head. "I don't know if I should be scared or not" I raised my eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Sooooo..." Sam started. "I was thinking that we could maybe possibly if you wanted to, uh...build a fort?" He flashed an awkward smile as if I might he was childish or weird.

My eyes lit up. "I haven't done that since I was a kid. That would be so much fun!!" I smiled widely.

"Yiss! So it's settled then. We're building a fort" Sam said smugly with his arms crossed.

"Okay, let's get all the blankets and pillows we can find in this house" I said grinning excitedly.

"Let's go then" He said quickly grabbing my arm, and pulling me out of bed.

We searched all over the house, and gathered all of the blankets and pillows we had. We started building the fort in the living room. We made it to wear we both could fit inside comfortably.

"Tadaaaaaaa. You like?" Sam asked excitedly.

"It's perfect!" We put the finishing touches.

"Oh!" Sam said suddenly making me jump.

"Jesus, you scared me" I chuckled while clenching my chest. "What is it?"

"Let's get our projector, and watch a movie, and make popcorn, and find candy!!" Sam said super fast and excitedly.

"Ooo yeah! Great idea, love!" I nodded my head up and down. "What movie did you want to watch?"

"I'm down for anything" Sam smiled as he walked into the kitchen to make the popcorn. I grabbed the candy. A couple minutes later, Sam came back with a big bowl of popcorn. He smiled at the bowl of candy I made.

We looked at our work, and admired it. "We did a damn good job" I said hold my hand out for a high five. Sam smiled and gave me a high five before sitting the bowl of popcorn down on the floor, and crawling into the fort. Then he poked his head out. "We should make a password" He smirked.

"A password, huh? What do you think it should be?" I asked chuckling.

Sam thought for a moment. "What about.....cuddles" He said with a smug look.

I chucked at Sam's response. "Cuddles? If I say the password, does that mean I get cuddles?" I say putting my hand on my chin.

"It definitely means you get cuddles" Sam smirked, clearly proud of his choice of password.

"Well if that's the case, then...." I acted as if I was knocking on a door.

Sam put on a serious expression and said with a deep voice, "who are you, and why do you seek entry?"

I giggled* "my name is Baby, and I'm here to be with my loving boyfriend, and watch a movie"

Sam cracked a smile and slightly laughed before returning to his serious face and deep voice. He cleared his throat. "And how do I know you are truly his girlfriend?"

I put on a serious face. "Because I know the password."

He laughed at my serious expression, then put on a smug look. "What's the password then?"

"It's.....cuddles" I said trying not to break character and laugh.

Sam opened the entrance to the fort, and held out his arms. "Well then come on in, darling" he said with his normal voice, and wide grin.

We got situated in the tent. "So what movie should we watch, my love?" Sam asked siting down, and handing me the bowl of popcorn.

"Hmm...I was thinking Edward Scissorhands" I giggled

Sam smiled, and started putting on the movie. "I love that movie! It's also kinda fitting for the season. Can you pass me the bowl of candy? I want some sweets"

I giggled. "Sweets for my sweets" I teased passing him the bowl of candy.

Sam rolled his eyes, and took a piece of candy. He smiled lovingly at me, and laid his head on my shoulder as the movie started.

"Whaaaaat?" I giggled.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Your pun....it was very corny" he smiled.

"....like the popCORN" I laughed harder emphasizing corn.

Sam groaned and laughed at the same time. A smirk was on his face. "Did you really have to?"

"....yes" I smirked back.

He shook his head, and kissed the top of my head. "Love you, Dork" he chuckled, taking a handful of candy and eating it.

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