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"It's so powerful" their bodies battered and bruised while weaning off this strange creature that was terrorizing a small town hidden in the corner outskirts. They were exhausted by now, taking over ten minutes to discover the creature's weak points and strengths, but never did they truly land a hit upon it.

"Stay behind me" Sasuke had changed gradually, a warmth enveloped him and turned that cold heart of his. Protective, he'd do anything to ensure her safety, to show his affections in the way he knew how to.

"No Sasuke, we have to fight together" yet she was protective too, in ways a lover feared saying goodbye to their adored. Sasuke, was the only one she had left in this world, the only one she considered important and colorful in this dull world.

"You're only in my way" he's still harsh with words, for anger has always been easier to accept and express than fear and soft emotions. She understands him well enough to not take offense to his strange behaviors, and accepts them as his way of trying.

"On your left" whatever this creature was, it had tremendous chakra. If she were to guess, it had been affected during the large-scale battle within the war, and had mutated. Perhaps it had been a squirrel before this, or even a feral cat, it was difficult to decipher.

Luckily, it didn't have the skill to truly use the power granted towards it, however a messy opponent had often been the most difficult for they could not be predicted. Sasuke easily dodged the large claw coming towards his left side, and the gust of wind that followed, but due to his back being turned he could not see the other claw coming from his right.

Luckily she had been quick enough to interfere, a large wave of water sending the claw back, stunning the creature just the slightest. Her chakra was running low, and judging from the fading purple that surrounded Sasuke, he was weakening all the same. They needed to finish this battle quicker rather than later.

"I say we attack it hard at the same time" she offers the best solution she could think of, however his lips thin while in thought, not keen on the ideal.

"That leaves us open to an attack" he argues, and though he stands correct, they wouldn't be able to dodge or counter many more of them anyways.

"We need to end the battle" she pushes forward, eyes narrowing in concern.

"I WON'T RISK LOSING YOU" he yells because he's angry and scared, desperate to hold onto this fleeting moment called life.

"Sasuke..." moments like these, she doesn't wonder what this feeling is that swirls through her chest, for she knows now and understands this confusing emotion called love.

"I'll play the distraction, you attack from behind as hard as you can." However, like him, she was desperate to hold onto things too. Promises, futures, dreams, hopes, and love. She held them dearly like precious treasures.

"Forgive me..." A soft whisper tossed towards the wind, as she quickly makes the hand signs, the wind starting to bellow harshly. "I have failed so much..." she continues to whisper, closing her eyes to concentrate "but I will not fail here."

~♠~ Sasuke's POV ~♠~ 

He's never seen this jutsu before, but he has certainly heard of it. Obito and Orchimaru had expressed fear when it came towards it, and had trained him on how to read the hand signs needed to create it. Not only was it extremely powerful, but it was also known as a last resort type of attack, for the chances of it not taking the caster, was slim. Yet she moved too quickly, and now the winds repelled him from reaching her.

"DAIYA NO" he tried, but the winds silenced him almost instantly. "DAIYA" it was too late, her eyes opened and beautiful eyes of gold turned into clouded hazy amber, the winds pushing her blonde strands relentlessly through the wind.

Within an instant, visible chakra penetrated through the creature, and within seconds it drew its conclusion, drawing one last breath.

"Daiya" she falls towards the ground, her teeth clenched together and he doesn't have to wonder about the pain she feels, it's written upon her delicate features. "Don't leave me..." He begs while holding her weakened body, helpless all over to stop what was occurring.

"F-forgive... me..." her breathing slows, but she manages to draw the softest of smiles upon her lips, and for the first time in a long time, he could see the happiness that adores her.

"There's nothing to forgive... Just stay with me" he's begging, clinging on as hard as he possibly could. 

"You... should go home." Her eyes go from looking towards him to glancing up within the skies "people... who love you..."

"You love me" is an argument that he couldn't win, but still he must try for she's fading, and he's afraid of being alone all over. 

"I love you" she confirms while glancing back once more "but they... love you... so don't give up on it. You've done your fair share of redemption... it's time to go home."

He doesn't feel in the slightest that he had been redeemed. As he stares down at a fading light, he feels even more lost, feels even more of a failure, there would never be enough success to make up for his failures. "Daiya..."

"Promise me..." a shaking hand reaches up to cup along his jaw, and he melts within its soft hold, burying the tears that laid rest upon his cheek within their comfort.

"I promise" if she had asked him anything within this moment, he'd have sworn to it. Yet she asks for so little, and yet so much at the same time.

"I'm glad" words once spoken onto her, now reflect and carry on. "Thank you..."

The Tales we Tell { Sasuke X OC }Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum