A Fleeting Memory

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A Longer Chapter ~ Getting into the romance finally XD

~♠~ Sasuke's POV ~♠~

"You can learn a lot from her" Itachi always boasted about Daiya and how much he could learn from her. So that's exactly what he had done. Sparing with her so often, he came to understand exactly how her jutsu had worked. A wind style, it sucked in everything within its path, and once loaded, it harshly blew away everything caught within it.

It was a nasty jutsu to someone who was slow in speed, but luckily for him that speed was his greatest strength. What he had not expected however was the water to suddenly be combined into the already complex style. Orchimaru had warned him that Danzo was very much like himself and used others to experiment on. Daiya would have been the perfect pupil for these tasteless experiments, and so he learned to expect everything and anything.

If it weren't for the Susanoo, he wouldn't have to wonder who would be the victor of the battle playing out. There was no doubt that when it came to a wicked offense, Daiya held a number large enough to even prevent some of the most historical leader's from attacking. One after another, and yet he barely moved a muscle to defend himself, gathering the chakra in order to send the black flames to her wasteful demise.

"Don't do it" that stupid annoying voice inside of his head, through everything he had learned, he had yet to learn to silence it. He knows the voice, knows it personally, and it's painful as it rings through his ears, ruining his hard concentration. "Do not kill her" OH SHUT UP! He was tired of being told what to do! 

"Water Style" her voice pulls him back into reality, a soft curiosity sparking within him, but he wouldn't allow her to finish this move. Instead he began the hand signs for Kagutsuchi. The black lightning bolts appeared, but he couldn't deny how impressed he had been when water suddenly shot directly at them, rendering them almost useless.

"Give up" his patience had ran out, he no longer cared if she lived or died in this battle. 

"You stole his eyes" her voice sounded broken, opposed to the strength it carried early, and he feared whatever words she may have uttered next. "Yet you don't see his vision" again if he hadn't had Susanoo, that sudden water-wind infused attack would have undoubtedly destroyed him within seconds, his chakra depleting quicker than it had before. "Got you" she whispered, and it was at that moment, that he knew he had messed up by allowing himself to be distracted.

~♠~ Daiya's POV ~♠~

Her chakra clung towards the purple creature, absorbing the powerful chakra as though it had been candy. She could feel him weakening, could feel the energy deplete within him, and for a second, just one second, her guard had fallen. She had gotten too confident, had assumed he pulled everything from his hat. Yet she stood horribly mistaken as his left eye surged open, and a purple rippled one stared back at  her.

She heard of the stories, knew what kind of power those eyes had held, and it was much to late to try and run from them. Instead she stood stronger than she had before, completely unafraid, for she had learned that sometimes the meaning was larger than the means of getting it. The pain was exceptional, the breath knocked from her lungs as the arrow grazed her chest, forcing all of her energy to wither away.

Itachi had been wrong about his baby brother. 
He did too good of a job at teaching him hatred.

~♠~ Sasuke's POV ~♠~

"DO NOT KILL HER" It was no longer a voice within his head, but instead a solid sound of sheer desperation that purged his entire being. Releasing his chakra, by now it was already to late to save her, she had probably died when the arrow first made contact with her fragile being. She lie several feet away from him, so much distance, and yet for the first time, it had felt like someone was standing beside him. Someone understood him, someone... could feel his pain.

Much to his surprise, she was still alive. Barely. The wounds decorated her skin in blemish and flaw, her breathing labored and barely sustaining, and yet she still fought to hold onto it. He would never understand what made her so damn special to Itachi, why he'd be so desperate to keep her alive, to pass on his dreams. She was nothing to him aside a spoiled brat who held the elder's in her fingers because she belonged to the bloodline.

"I'm impressed, you're still alive" no one had survived that attack, and though it wasn't the full attack, it was enough to strike every chakra point. Even should she survive, her body would be utterly useless, she'd become nothing more then history that people would tell horror stories about. Keeping her alive at this point, would have been more cruel than letting her die. Placing the sharp blade beside her neck, his arm would swing back to give the final blow...

Yet he couldn't bring himself to do it.

~♠~ Four Years Prior ~♠~

"You're rather popular with the ladies" she spoke while dodging the bright red flames that he fired at her, annoyance blistering within him the more she evaded his attacks.

"Who cares" they meant nothing to him, there was only person who held his future dreams and goals, one person who would take away all of this pain and hatred. One death, only one.

"It's cute" she snickered and dodged yet another oncoming attack, and worse was that she wasn't even paying attention to the damn match. "Do any of them interest you?"

"No" he's quick to throw yet another kunai and then another, and then finally setting up the trap, stunned when she suddenly stopped moving and instead stood center of every attack. He didn't realize it in time, the wind that suddenly pushed through the area, forcing each of those weapons to suddenly turn onto himself, forcing him to hide behind a large tree stump to avoid being hit.

"Why not?" This time she cooed while jumping along the stump, using her chakra to focus her balance while staring down at him, wide eyed and curious, and he absolutely hates it.

"I have larger things to worry about" he attacks, and this time they're engaged in hand to hand combat. He finds himself gaining leverage, short distance had never been her strongest point, and yet he's stunned when warm hands cover his eyes from behind, encasing his thicker frame into a smaller one. It takes him several moments to realize he's locked in a back hug, her chin resting gently along his left shoulder blade, the clone before him vanishing.

"Silly boy" a gasp falls from his lips when he feels himself being tripped, but instead of falling towards the ground, he finds himself being turned. Now her chin laid rest against his chest, her arms softly wrapped around his waist, and suddenly his heart raced and his cheeks grew a harsh warmth. "You better not go pushing me away too. I'll be mad at you."

When she let's go, he feels almost frozen without her warmth. "See you tomorrow" when she smiled, it's like seeing her for the first time, even though he's known her his entire life. She grew up, much like himself, no longer the annoying brat who whined and complained when life didn't go her way.

"Tomorrow..." he whispered after her, reaching to wipe whatever fire just stole his face.


"Are you leaving?" He doesn't know why it hurt to see such a look given to him by her, he never truly cared about what she had thought of him. She was after all, in love with the very man who had slaughtered his entire family. It should have been unforgivable, yet when the name was brought up by her, only sadness of loss would come to light.

"I'll never get strong enough if I stay here" he admits, because for some reason, lying to her just felt wrong to him. 

"Maybe" she offers a soft whisper, picking back up her walking pace to follow him towards the Uchiha residence, the place of his nightmares and inspiration. "You might never get strong enough if you leave here either" he never thought of that, but Orochimaru promised him enough with the power of the curse mark, for it was stronger than anything seen here in the village.

"Are you going to stop me?" Some part of him, wanted her to say yes. She was going to stop him. Yet he knew himself better, and judging from the delicate smile she offered, she knew him well too.

"Silly boy" she sighed the words, stopping suddenly, and this time she didn't reach to wrap her arms around his frame. This time, a still coldness lingered between them. "There you go, pushing me away" her lips pout as though she were truly offended, but it only lasted seconds before a beautiful stir of saddened laughter rung through the silence. "Stay safe will you?"

"I will" he was to determined to quit, to inspired and full of rage to let go. He'd make it, he'd do whatever it took to take away this pain, this isolation. 

She moved towards him, and he would always wonder what she had planned on doing, for just as she was about to make contact, a sound caught them both off guard. She left him with only a soft smile before vanishing into the woods, replaced instead by vibrant pink hair. It wasn't as though he didn't like Sakura in her own right... he just... never could predict what Daiya would do next, and now... He would never know.

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