Chapter 8 - The Almost Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Hey, we don't have to, alright?" Jeremiah steps in to comfort his brother.

"Ok well, hotels are usually booked up this time of year," Belly says.

"I feel like I should go-" Cam says, I feel so bad that he had to see all that. He's too sweet to get wrapped up in all our family drama. "I would totally invite you guys to come stay with me, but it's a pretty small place," This is why I love Cam Cameron. He'll always be my favorite.

"Maybe we should go too?" Taylor suggests.

"Don't go yet! I know a place we can crash for the night," Jeremiah speaks up. I'm wondering where this mystery place of his is.

Turns out it's the country club. The last time we were here- Shit went down. It was me and Jeremiah's first date too. We walk up the steps and Jere pulls out his key card, "Pfft, you kept that?" Steven asks.

"Perks of not cleaning out your wallet," Jeremiah says, as his key card repeatedly gets declined.

"What if there is someone in there?" I ask, scared of getting caught. I'm not usually like this, I like to take risks, but after today my anti-pussiness is all drained.

"It's been closed for hours, and there are never any night-guards. We're good," Jere reassures me with a wink. Jeremiah's card is still declining, "Shit."

"Not a great plan," Skye says jokingly. What the hell is wrong with them? "It's from Avengers. RDJ?" I got the joke, but still not the time.

"I understood that reference," Cam Cameron says, trying to lighten the mood by impersonating Captain America.

"Could you guys like- Not? For just two seconds," I can practically see Jeremiah's sanity slipping away. I wish I could just hug him and take his pain away.

Jeremiah's card declines a few more times before I jump in, "There's gotta be another way in, right?"

"We could try the pool gate?"

"Or we could just use my mom's key code," Cam says, once again, stunning me with his brilliance.

"Are you sure?" Belly asks him.

"Yeah it's fine she's the manager at the restaurant here."

"Wouldn't she get in trouble though, if someone checks the logs?" Skye butts in.

"No no she works at the randomest hours so that alone shouldn't raise any red flags, so long as we don't make a mess, like at all," Cam says while turning to the boys. God I love him.

"They won't even know we're here. Thank you for not being on that whale boat, Cam Cameron," Jeremiah says happily. I love to see my boy happy.

Jere turns the lights on and behold rich people privilege! This place looks like it belongs in a palace.

"Let's look for food?" Skye suggests.

Cam takes them to the kitchen and Taylor decides to tag along for her specific snacks, because of course she does.

"Nuh uh Taylor, you are coming with me. We'll find some curtains to turn into blankets or some shit," I can see through my twin's desperate attempts.

"I'm on snack patrol right now," Taylor tells him.

"Okay? So? I need your loud ass voice to scare away all the murders," Not the way to win a girl's heart my dearest brother.

"I'm fine with murderers," Taytay scoffs.

"Ok, fine, as long as you're fine sleeping on some dusty polyester sheets," Steven shrugs, but he's got the smuggest smile as we all watch Taylor turn right back around.

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