"Mmcht this not my first time smoking weed I smoke weed all the time" I said smoking without inhaling.

"You doing it wrong lemme see" he said taking it from me

"You did the same thing I did"

"You not holding it in"

"Ok let me see" "Mm" I hummed looking at him while holding in the smoke

"Let it out for you choke" as soon as he said that I started coughing and choking.

"Damn you straight?" Duke furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm chilling" I said clearing my throat handing him the blunt

"You see the difference?"

"Yeah.. no"

"Don't worry about it then" he said smoking from it before passing it to Duke.

We smoke for a few minutes passing around the blunt and even lit a new one.

"Damn what the fuck" I said looking around the room

"The fuck?" Duke said laughing

"I don't know my vision just went to 4k or something it feels like I put glasses on"

"Igh no more weed for you, see you buggin" he waved me off

"I'm chillinnn"

"Don't pass ha nothin Duke"

"Let me see it"


"I think you good Kay" Duke laughed before it turned into a cough"

"Here Duke" he said passing Duke the blunt and turning towards me "come here let me see ya eyes baby" he said turning my head to face him
"Nah she smacked" he inspected my eyes

"Oh yeah ha shit fuck up" Duke said from across the room what it looked like but he was on the other part of the couch across from us.

"I'm chillin" I sucked my teeth.

"Ya eyes mad red Kay" he said lifting my head up by my chin still looking at my eyes

"That light bright as fuck" I said tilting my head back down to hide my eyes

"Aye man" Duke said coming up to my next to Fanum"Aw yeah she definitely gone"

"I'm here"

"Cap" Duke laughed

"Don't pass her that shit no more"

"Hell nawl" Duke said sitting back down

"Bae I'm good"

"Igh just chill for a second then"

"Fine" I said laying my head in his lap

"What's in this shit" Fanum said looking at the blunt

"Gelato. Shit I think that what bro sold it to me said"

"This more then gelato I've have gelato whatever this shit is hit different"

"Get you high fast don't it?" Duke smiled

"Hell yea"

"I bought it from this weed shop shit Ion know"

"This gas" he said passing the blunt.

"Righttt" Duke said smoking

"Kay you good" he said moving my hair to see my face


"Why you not talking?"

"I'm- I said yawning. sleepy..

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