C6: Writ in Water

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The school year after Voldemort's departure continued on rather boringly. Harry had been called by memo into the Headmaster's office after being treated for his head wounds and was told Very Seriously that he had done a Bad Thing by letting Voldemort get away with the Philosopher's Stone.

Harry had asked if it was common to expect children to stop immortal Dark Lords. He hadn't meant it petulantly nor rudely, but rather curiously. Still, Dumbledore appeared to take offence. Well, by 'take offence', Harry meant that the old man sucked a little harder on his lemon drop than necessary.

Even after the rather poor meeting, Dumbledore gave Harry an invisibility cloak for Christmas. It was Harry's first real gift (though he did receive a photo album of his parents from the large, friendly groundskeeper, which he appreciated but wasn't sure what to do with) and he recognised the writing from Dumbledore's first missive. Harry wasn't sure if it was some kind of joke or not, seeing as he was already Not Seen enough as it was, but Harry liked the gift anyway. He used it for everything but didn't take it to class lest it was confiscated. Harry liked sitting next to his peers at the Slytherin table and making food disappear.

It was his only entertainment after Voldemort left, after all.

A new Defence teacher was nominated after Quirrell was considered long gone; he was a bumbling, portly sort of fellow that went missing too at the end of the school year. Harry discovered that there was a curse on the Defence position and wondered why that amused Voldemort so much. Perhaps it was because he was immortal. Or perhaps because the old man had a sick sense of humour.

Harry could appreciate that.

At the end of the year, Harry asked Dumbledore Very Politely if he could stay in the castle. He even offered to pay boarding fees and clean, as he was very good at dusting and moping and all sorts of domestic chores.

He was told no. Without a reason nor explanation provided; just No. The word rang in his head for an entire summer.

Harry wouldn't have returned the Dursley household but he got the niggling feeling like someone was following him and Harry didn't want that kind of attention. Going back to the Dursleys after being at Hogwarts left a bad taste in Harry's mouth. Especially since he hadn't told them he was leaving. Sure, the revolting family probably wouldn't have noticed at first, but when the meals weren't cooked and the dust piled, even the intellectually-challenged Dursleys would eventually have figured out that Harry was gone. Not that they remembered he was there most of the time, but still.

As expected, Aunt Petunia was furious to see him and boxed him behind the ears. Uncle Vernon did the same. Harry spent a week locked in the cupboard under the stairs (pleased that he had remembered to bring food home from Hogwarts and wishing his waste away with a thought) until Aunt Petunia realised that his school might find out and he was quickly moved up to Dudley's playroom. Harry didn't like the large space but kept it tidy and clean anyway.

Harry was always ready to leave just in case, bag packed and clothes washed, perched on the edge of his bed as he waited for a letter from Dumbledore saying some version of: My mistake, young Harry, you actually can stay at Hogwarts. Professor Snape will be there in the morning to collect you.

The letter did not come.

Instead, an elf came and actually tried to keep Harry away from Hogwarts. That really pissed Harry off. Harry wished Very Hard that the elf forgot Harry's existence (and why he was sure that Harry wasn't allowed to return) and the elf left him alone after that.

The following year, Harry took advantage of his cloak even more. He heard whispers in the walls, students were petrified, and a girl with a diary seemed to be behind it all. It was all very interesting.

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