Beomkai- Teacher Huening

Start from the beginning

Beomgyu dropped his daughter off at her mother's house. He told his ex-wife about the painting lesson and about Emma's excellent grades. She thanked him for picking her up.

He walked to his car to go to the grocery store. The basics went into the cart. Eggs, milk, bread, random vegetables and random fruits. He then went down the snack aisle and saw Kai. His blonde hair looked soaked from the rain. It made him even more attractive if that was somehow possible.

Kai grabbed a variety pack of chips for the kids snacks tomorrow. A package of sour gummy bears went into the cart just for him. He looked up to see Mr. Choi. That was awkward. He hated seeing people who knew from work outside of his job. The kids were fine. They loved him. The small talk with the parents was the worst. He politely waved and hoped they would part ways. Beomgyu walked up to him. He did not get that message. The blonde said "hello Mr. Choi."

"Please, call me Beomgyu."

"Of course. Hello, Beomgyu. I'm just grabbing snacks for the kids tomorrow."

The producer looked down to see the package of gummy bears. "Those are the best! Is that for you?"

"Yeah. I've been kind of addicted to them lately." There was an awkward silence. Kai said "sorry about earlier by the way. I hope I didn't offend you with the wife assumption."

Beomgyu looked at his wedding ring. He realized why he made that assumption now. "It's okay! I only wear this so people don't hit on me."

"Must be nice. That doesn't happen to me ever."

"I find that hard to believe."

Kai blushed. He looked away to control his smile. "I should probably get going. It was nice seeing you again."

Beomgyu grabbed the same package of gummy bears after the blonde left. It wasn't his turn to pick his daughter up tomorrow but he was going to drop by anyways.

After the kids left the next day, it started to rain again. Kai was over it. The rain made his hair look like a wet mop. He helped the janitor clean the classroom. Paint stained the tables and the floor. It wasn't hard to clean up, just tedious. He couldn't let the janitor do that alone.

As he was about to leave, he saw Mr. Choi walking into the door. He arched his eyebrow. "Nice to see you again. Did Emma forget something?" Kai looked down and noticed the missing ring.

"No! She's fine. I was just wondering if you wanted to have dinner this weekend?"

"Is this about Emma's-"

"It's not about my daughter. I just wanted to get to know you better."

Kai nervously straightened some files on his desk. "Oh. I don't date my student's parents. I like keeping those areas seperate."

Beomgyu frowned until he remembered school ended next week. "My daughter won't be in your class soon. How about then?"

It had been a while since Kai went on a date last. He didn't get out much. His bed saw him as much as his students did. The blonde didn't mind being alone. It was peaceful. His students were great but they were still seven. Getting them to cooperate sometimes was mentally draining. Home is where he didn't have anyone to take care of but himself. He didn't even know if this was officially a date. It would be nice to have a friend besides the other teachers. "Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"I know this really great dive bar. They have the best BBQ! We could do a movie too. I haven't gone on a date in six months since the divorce." Beomgyu slapped himself in his head. "You didn't need to know that. Um. You still want to go?"

Kai smiled as the blush returned to his cheeks. "I'd love to. BBQ sounds great."

On the last day of school, Mr. Huening received 5 more "best teacher" mugs and a couple of giftcards to various places. He was going to miss this group of students. They were one of the best he's ever had the privilege of teaching.

Emma, like always, was the last to be picked up. Beomgyu hugged his daughter then told her to grab her stuff.
He presented Kai with a single red rose. "I hope you still want that date. I can't wait for it."

Kai took it. It was beautiful. "Me too. I guess I'll see you next week. I'm going to miss teaching her. You guys raised her well." Kai knelt down to open his arms to the little girl running towards him. "You were such a great student Emma! I'll miss you!"

"Daddy told me you're going on a date!"

"Did he now?" Kai looked up to Beomgyu looking away. He grinned then turned his attention back to the little girl. "Are you okay with that?"

"I like you more than mommy's boyfriend."

Beomgyu picked her up again. That stuff could wait until their date. "Do you have everything? Your books? Your jacket?" Emma excitedly nodded. She was so happy summer was here. Beomgyu kissed her cheek then said "tell Mr. Huening goodbye!"

Emma waved "bye Mr. Huening! I'll miss you! You were my favorite teacher!"

Kai waved. He watched them leave then started to finish his paperwork. Dating a single parent was definitely new to him but he had a good feeling about this.

Next week came. They met at the BBQ restaurant. Beomgyu stood out from the crowd in his red ripped t-shirt, silver chain necklace, black ripped skinny jeans and black nike airforces. Kai felt awkward in his black tank top, off the shoulder black hoodie, dark blue ripped skinny jeans and black converse.

Beomgyu thought Kai looked stunning. "Hey. Can I buy you a drink?"

"Vodka lemonade with a splash of strawberry."

"Shit. That sounds great. I'll have the same."

Beomgyu started to talk about his job while Kai listened. That guy could talk for hours about music. His knowledge was incredible. He played a couple of demos and they lived up to the hype Beomgyu created for them. Kai said "it must be awesome to meet celebrities all the time. I can't believe that's your life!"

"Some of them are assholes but it is pretty great. I'm like you though, I like separating my personal life with my job. Most of my friends aren't famous and I prefer it that way."

Just as Kai was about to speak, their food came to the bar. He got lost in the smokey flavors. The spice was just right. It didn't blow his palate out. Just lingered long enough for him to keep eating more. They finished their meal off by sharing a peach cobbler.

Beomgyu fed Kai a bite with his spoon. He looked so cute, he fed him another one.

Before they went to their cars, they made a plan for another date. Beomgyu wanted to take him to his studio to give him a tour. Their date was set for three days from now. Kai was just about to get into his car until Beomgyu offered his hand. He took it confused. The black haired beauty kissed him. Kai loved the way his lips tasted. It felt like a rose petal. They pulled away with butterflies in their stomach. Beomgyu kissed him one last time then walked away to his car.

Kai drove off with that kiss still lingering on his mind. It started to rain again. That had to be a good sign.

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