"Before you leave don't forget to get her tack and all of her other items" said the owner of my old stables

I quickly nodded my head and I was then ordered to open the last one which was in a gift bag. I picked up the gift it felt heavy but I still had no thoughts of what it could be the first thing I pulled out was a picture of all of the barn members at our first show of me being her I was mounted on Annie with a Champion blanket 2 3rds, 3 2nds, and 4 1st. In side the bag their was also two saddle pads to match the bonnets, finally the last thing in the bag was a Cannon EOS Rebel T5i. I almost screamed! My dad walked in and I told him about how I now owned Annie. He said he would put all the presents in the backseat while I went and got Annie ready. I told everybody thank you and went down to where Annie's stall was I first got all of her tack and put it in a mini tack locker. My dad told me that their was enough room but I would put the mini tack locker in the tack room in the trailer. I agreed and me and my dad carried the mini tack locker to the trailer and put it in. Once I closed the door I went and got Annie's shipping set and went back to Annie's stall. I first put her blanket on. Then I put her boots on next and finally I put her halter on and attached the lead. I lead Annie out of her stall while dad was getting her stall sign. I lead Annie down the aisle to where my trailer was parked I opened the door back up to the trailer and lead Annie into the trailer I closed the door back up and went and got her LickIt.

I hung up her LickIt and she started playing with it. I had everything ready I finally said one last goodbye and got back in the SUV. My dad turned on the engine and we started leaving.

2 hours later....
We arrived at Crescent Moon Riding Academy and was told to drive to the office to get information. We pulled up to the office I quickly jumped out and walked up to the door. I opened the door and walked inside a lovely lady asked me my name.

"My name is Alexis Patterson" I said

"You are in dorm 10, the stable row is 2 that's where you will meet your lesson horse and all of your personal stuff is on that row, finally your stable number is 11, oh and room number 453!" The woman said
"Thanks" I said

I walked to car and told my dad ever bit of the info. He asked where did we want to go first. I politely said the stables to unload the horses. My dad drove to stable number 11. Row 2 was the middle so it was the stalls that the barn door opened to.

I got out of the car and went to the back I decided to get Annie out first since she was the closest to the door. I opened the trailer door and backed Annie out she was an angel. Once she was out of the trailer I walked in the barn. It was gorgeous I put Annie in the stall on the right. I looked over to the left to see a gorgeous dapple grey horse. I went back into Annie's stall and took off her shipping set. I quickly put her shipping set in my tack room. I looked to see the dapple greys tack. Their was a note on the saddle but I had to get Cedric out of the trailer so I left the note to read latter.

I ran back to the trailer and opened the gate to keep Cedric and Annie separated. Cedric stood their patiently waiting. I walked Cedric slowly out of the trailer and walked him into the stall. My instructor walked out of the office and asked me who might I be. I politely replied.
"My name is Alexis Patterson" I said
"Nice to meet you and who might this be" said my instructor
"This is Cedric and Annie is already in her stall right there" I said as I pointed to Annie's stall

She looked in the stall and replied she is so cute.

"Thanks" I said

I put Cedric in his stall and took of his shipping set and laid it in the tack room I now had time to look at the note. So I ran over to the saddle where the note was and picked it up.

" This saddle belongs to the horse you will be riding at the end of the years you are here! Before leaving we will offer you a chance to keep your lesson horse." Read the note

Sweet I thought in my head my instructor then said get all of your equipment in your tack room before your lesson. Okay I replied. I quickly ran back to the trailer and grabbed the tack trunk. Me and my dad carried it quickly to the tack room.

2 hours later....
I am finished with the stable dad now let's go to my dorm and get ready their. My dad turned the engine back on and drove off. When we arrived at dorm number 10 I walked in with my riding bags and the presents I received. I quickly walked up the stairs and turned left. I then shortly found my room which I shared with 2 others which would also mean I shared the stable with them. When I walked in the door I found a blonde hair girl and a brown hair girl. I put my stuff down and politely asked their names.

"My name is Emily" said the blonde hair girl
"And mine is Veronica. What's your name?" said the brown hair girl
"My name is Alexis" I said

"I have to get unpacked can you guys help me please" I said

They both agreed and we all helped bring in my stuff. It was so fun! When we were finished we all sat down and talked and got to know each other. I finally said I have to get everything else ready. They nodded their heads and I started putting my clothes up.

I put my certificate of all Annie's information in a file holder with Cedric's. I hung my pictures from my old barn friends on the wall. I finally was done unpacking everything was put up. All my riding clothes were in their own closet.

"I am glad I am here" I said as the Emily and Veronica agreed with my comment
"Let's go meet each other's horses" Emily said
"Sure" I said

We walked out of the dorm and went to are stable which was only ten minutes away but my dad left a car for me. I got in my car and decided to give my friends a ride. When they arrived at the barn I got out and walked in to my row.
"Is this your dapple grey" said Emily
"No it's my lesson horse but I will hopefully be keeping him" I said

Emily and Veronica then said I don't think I want to keep mine. So when we leave we will most likely offer you my horse. Wow thanks I guess. I walked out to see my trainer.

"Get one of your horses I want to see how good you are. Emily and Veronica you guys are next " said my trainer

"Okay" we all said

I got Cedric's lead rope and attached it to his halter. I lead Cedric out of his stall and attached him to the cross ties.

" Can someone else get her lesson horse ready so I can see it from both horses" my trainer said

Emily then said I will. My trainer replied saying good. I went and got my grooming box and started grooming Cedric. When I was done I quickly got my jumping saddle my Olaf saddle pad and bonnet and my english bridle and girth. After I was finished tacking up I lead Cedric into the arena.

Crescent Moon Riding Academy : Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ