Chapter 5

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Miss Liv finished reciting the degrading rules with a sickeningly sweet smile, leaving Amelia feeling smaller and more helpless than ever. As she leaned down to rub Amelia's cheek, her voice took on a sinister tone. "Sweetie, you're going to be in a little pain soon. But don't worry, we just need to empty you out so you can have the bowel system of a real baby," she said, her words dripping with a twisted sense of care.

Amelia's heart raced, her mind spinning with confusion and fear. What did Miss Liv mean by "emptying her out"? The thought of it made her stomach churn with anxiety. She desperately wanted to ask for an explanation, to understand what was happening to her, but the pacifier gag silenced her, leaving her with only her thoughts and fears.

With a final pat on Amelia's cheek, Miss Liv left the room, leaving her alone in the nursery. Amelia's gaze shifted around the room, her eyes falling upon a camera perched in the corner near the tall dresser. Dread settled in her chest as she realized they would always be watching her, invading whatever little privacy she had left. The realization only further solidified her sense of entrapment.

Suddenly, her stomach twisted with an uncomfortable sensation, causing Amelia to wince. She knew what was coming next. The realization hit her like a wave of embarrassment. She had to go to the bathroom, to relieve herself. But how? She could barely move, let alone leave the room to find a bathroom without alerting the staff.

Panic surged through her as she desperately tried to clench her butt cheeks, praying that she could hold it in. But her weakened muscles betrayed her, and she knew she wouldn't be able to resist the inevitable. With a sinking feeling, she resigned herself to the humiliating fate that awaited her.

Soft turds of poop began to slither out of her, filling the confines of her diaper. Disgust and shame washed over Amelia as she realized she was pooping herself like a baby. Each movement felt like a cruel reminder of her helplessness and the loss of her dignity. She closed her eyes, tears welling up, and silently endured the process.

As the last turd made its way into the already full diaper, there was a sickening pop. Amelia's face burned with humiliation. She couldn't believe this was her reality now. To make matters worse, her body instinctively released a two-minute-long pee, adding to the mess and confirming her infantile state.

Amelia's mind raced with anger and frustration. How could she be reduced to this? How could she be trapped in a situation where she had no control over her own body? The weight of it all settled heavily upon her, fueling her determination to find a way out, to reclaim her autonomy and escape from this nightmare.

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