Chapter 2

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The morning sun had barely risen when Linda and Robert Johnson found themselves in the principal's office. The news of Amelia's expulsion had hit them like a freight train. They were in disbelief, angry, and heartbroken. They had warned her just a day prior.

"Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Johnson, I'm extremely sorry but we've given Amelia enough chances. She's not only disrupting her own education but also affecting other students," the principal explained, disappointment clouding his face.

Linda, still in shock, simply nodded while Robert muttered a quiet, "We understand."

As they walked out of the office, Linda pulled out her phone and started the enrollment process for Harmony Haven. She filled in the details, her heart heavy with every tap on the screen.

They found Amelia outside, lounging on a bench, a defiant look in her eye. "You're early," she smirked, standing up.

Linda, usually the calm one, couldn't hold back her anger, "Amelia, you've been expelled! Do you realize the gravity of your actions?"

Amelia retorted, "So what? That school was a joke anyway."

Robert chimed in, his voice stern, "This isn't a laughing matter, Amelia. Your attitude is unacceptable."

The car ride home was filled with loud accusations, harsh words, and raw emotions. Amelia, unapologetic and defiant, continued to argue back, matching her parents' fury. The heated exchange lasted for half an hour before an oppressive silence took over.

Amelia, lost in her own world, didn't notice the unfamiliar route until she realized they were not heading home. "Where are we going?" she asked, her tone laced with suspicion.

Linda, her hands tightly gripping the steering wheel, replied without turning her gaze from the road, "We're taking you to Harmony Haven, Amelia. Just like we said we would."

Amelia rolled her eyes and huffed, "Whatever." She crossed her arms and slumped back into her seat, the reality of the situation yet to dawn on her. Unbeknownst to her, she was on the road to a whole new chapter in her life.

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