Chapter 3

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Amelia sat in the backseat of the car, her gaze focused on the passing scenery outside the window. She refused to speak, her anger and resentment simmering beneath the surface. The silence in the car was palpable, only broken by the faint hum of the engine.

As they continued driving, the surroundings became increasingly unfamiliar. Tall trees lined the road, their branches reaching out like gnarled fingers. The car finally came to a stop in front of a large, imposing building. It was a grand old mansion, its Victorian architecture giving it an air of mystery and intrigue. Amelia's heart sank even further. She knew she was going to hate this place.

Reluctantly, she stepped out of the car alongside her parents. The heavy wooden doors of the mansion creaked open, revealing a bright and colorful interior. A young woman dressed in a vibrant knee-length dress stood there, a smile lighting up her face. She introduced herself as Olivia but told Amelia to call her Miss Liv.

"Welcome to Harmony Haven!" Miss Liv exclaimed cheerfully. "We're so excited to have you here, Amelia. This is a place where you can find new beginnings and discover your true potential."

Amelia, unimpressed, merely nodded in response. She followed her parents into the waiting room, where they were seated on plush, comfortable chairs. A coffee table stood in the center, adorned with a candy owl and a sign inviting those under 18 to take one. Without hesitation, Amelia snatched the candy owl and popped it into her mouth.

Her parents exchanged a knowing look, their smiles growing wider. But instead of reprimanding her for taking the candy without permission, they remained silent. Amelia found their reaction peculiar but shrugged it off, assuming they were too exhausted from the argument to say anything.

As she sat there, the heaviness of the day and the unexpected sleepiness from the candy began to take its toll. Her eyelids grew heavy, and despite her best efforts to fight it, the world around her gradually faded into darkness.

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