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I could barely sleep last night. Charles slept on the couch that turn into a bed and I slept on the actual bed. I insisted on sleeping on the couch but he said no.

It's pretty early in the morning. It's 7:18. Charles plane leaves the private airport at 8:30 so we have some time before we have to leave the hotel.

I got changed into some comfy clothes that aren't pajamas. We cleaned up his room and went down to the lobby. By the time we got down there it was 7:56. We handed the front desk his keys and headed out to the car.

This time paparazzi was outside. The hotel usually did a good job of keeping paparazzi away but they couldn't stop them today I guess.

We got into the car after pushing our way through the paparazzi. Of course they were asking questions. We didn't answer a single one.

I decided that I'm not going back to LA. I'm going to visit my family back in Monaco. I haven't been there in a while and I want to see what's new. I called with them but never really visited other than Christmas.

It's a 22 hour long flight. So this will take a while.

We are mostly just talking. We're sitting right next to each other. We decided on plans when we get back to Monaco. I'm really excited.

I keep getting texts from Colin. I haven't answered any of them. I don't want anything to do with him for a while.

I didn't tell Chloe, Wyatt, Michael, or Colin that I'm going to Monaco. They think Charles is dropping me off in LA. He's not obviously.

I love talking to Charles. I've missed this. I've missed playing board games with him. Laying down in his childhood bedroom on his bed and watching movies. Having dinner with his family. I've missed it all.

We have 20 hours left of the flight. He has board games so we decided to play one. It's chess. I've never been good at chess. He always used to beat me.

He's still got it he beat me in the first game. We played a couple more rounds till we got tired. We started talking again. Just talking about life some more.

It's very good to catch up with him. Till he stopped talking. I looked over at him to see him asleep on my shoulder.

I put my head against his. We still have a long time till we land in Monaco it won't hurt to take a nap.

And if I'm being honest I'm falling for him again.

After a few minutes I fall asleep. I can't wait to land.

Authors note:
Another short chapter. This is more of a filler chapter so you know where there going:)

Childhood Love | Charles Leclerc Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt