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(Chloe's perspective)

After the race I decided to take things into my own hands. I love Colin I truly do he's one of my best friends but, I don't see him as the right person for Victoria.

No doubt Charles is the one. I just have to make Vic realize that. I have to text Charles.

Charles Leclerc

Chloe:Hey Charles I heard about what happened with you and Vic, you need to keep trying Colin isn't the one for her

Charles:Thanks Chloe, it just feels strange
seeing her with someone that isn't

Chloe:I understand hey can I come to your room?


I head to Charles room to talk to him about Vic. I knock on his door. He opens it, he seems depressed. "Hey Charles" "hi Chloe" he responds in a monotone voice.

"Why did you need to come here?" He questions me. "To give you advice" he shakes his head.

"She still loves you, you need to keep fighting for her. She's not engaged yet. How long are you staying for?" I have an idea.

"A few more days" perfect. "Great, tomorrow ask her to like lunch or dinner or something. I'll stall Colin. Don't you worry about that. Try to make her realize that your the right one for her!" I say looking down at my phone to see that I have to get going already.

"I have to go but take my advice I promise you it'll work! Hey and don't forget to giver her the bracelet back! Chartoria isn't over yet!" I say as I walk out of the room.

It's time for lunch but first I have to finish getting ready. Hopefully he takes my advice.

Authors note:
A nice and short chapter. How are we liking the story? Btw school is starting up again so chapters aren't going to come out as quick, sorry:( Anyways hope your enjoying. Thank you all for reading!! Ilyg❤️

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