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Our hotel is only a 5 minute walk from where the track is for the race so me and Chloe obviously decide to walk.

I love taking in the sights of this new city. I love traveling, I've always wanted to travel the world and Brazil was always high in my list.

"Tori qu'allez-vous faire s'il vous remarque?" ( Tori what are you going to do if he notices you?) she says making me take my attention away from the sights.

"Je vais devoir être poli et dire bonjour" (I'll have to be polite and say hello) I respond as we start to approach the enterance to the track. "Bonne idée" (good idea) she responds as we reach the enterance.

We show them our passes and we get in with ease. We start to make our way to the paddocks to see what there all about, and let me tell you they are very luxurious.

There are tons and tons of cameras and people with microphones around. There's people behind fences that are waiting to see if they'll see a famous driver. And to be honest i love the atmosphere.

We check to see which paddock we are going to and it says McLaren so we have to find that building.

And as we start to head to the McLaren paddock after asking a nice man where it was Chloe bumped into me " Regarde Victoria!!" (Victoria look!!) Chloe say's pointing in front of us.

I look and see Charles walking towards us looking and taking to someone next to him. Their wearing all red outfits.

I try to pull Chloe over to the side so they can walk past but it's already to late he's noticed me. His smile turns into a shocked look and he waved at me. I wave back.

He walks directly towards me. "Bonjour Victoria!Ravie de vous revoir, Ça fait un moment" (Hey Victoria! Nice to see you again, it's been a while) he says going in for a hug. My heart starts pounding but I hug him back.

The hug lasts longer than I expected. "Bonjour Charles, oui, ça fait un moment" (Hello Charles, yea, it's been a while) I say as I pull away from the hug. My hearts starts to beat a little bit more normal now.

"Bonjour Chloe, ravi de te revoir" (Hey Chloe, nice to see you again) he says nodding at Chloe. "Ravi de vous voir aussi Charles" (Nice to see you too Charles) she says nodding back.

"Qu'est-ce que vous faites ici à la course?"(What are you guys doing here at the race?) he says questioning us. "On a demandé au petit ami de Victoria de venir chez McLaren" (Victoria's boyfriend got asked to come by McLaren) Chloe says looking at me.

"Petit Ami?" (Boyfriend?) Charles says frowning. I shake my head. "Que faites-vous à cette course?" (What are your doing at this race?) I say changing the subject. "Je conduis pour une équipe, Ferrari!" (I drive for a team, Ferrari!) he says starting to smile again.

"Vraiment! Félicitations!" (Really! Congratulations!) I say clapping. "Merci, Merci!" (Thank you, Thank you!) he says really smiling this time.

"Eh bien, Je dois y aller, les qualifications vont bientiôt commencer, mais peut-être que Je vous verrai tous les deux, profitez de la course!" (Well I have to go, qualifying is going to start soon but maybe I'll see you two around, enjoy the race!) he says giving me a hug "Merci, bonne chance!" (Thank you, good luck!) I says as he pulls away from the hug. Chloe puts out her hand so he can shake it "bonne chance" (good luck) she says shaking his hand.

And he walks away.

" did you see that he was totally jealous when I said you have a boyfriend!" She says jumping up and down. "No he wasn't jealous, but that was Awkward" I say laughing. Just then my phone dings.

Hey Tori, me and the guys are heading over now!

   Ok see you soon!

"The guys are heading over" i says putting my phone down. "Ok" Chloe says and we start to walk to the McLaren paddock.

Authors note:
Finally a new chapter! Sorry for the long wait!! I promise I'll start to post more now!!

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