When i was your man

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(Charles perspective)

Qualifying was ok today. It wasn't the best ever, I got P6. After qualifying I saw Victoria and her boyfriend after qualifying. It made my heart hurt worse.

She waved at me first this time though. When I tried to walk over to her, her boyfriend and his two friends cut in front of me to congratulate me on my placement.

I appreciate it but I'd rather it be her.

After everything was done at the track I decided to go back to the hotel get a snack and then go for a walk. The hotel I'm staying at is very nice. I'm on the 7th floor in room 740.

When I finally get to my room I grab one of my favorite snacks, Brets chips. I turn in the tv to see what's on.

After about 20 minutes I decide that I'm going to go for my walk now. I change into some more casual clothes and head down to the lobby.

As soon as I step out of the elevator I see Victoria. She heading out of the hotel by herself. I decide that I'm going to catch up to her. Maybe we can talk.

"Victoria!" I shout as I get a little bit closer. She turns around and her face goes into a shocked look. I don't think she's too happy to see me. "Bonjour Charles" she says with a puzzled look on her face. "Qu'est -ce que tu fais ici?" (What are you doing out here?) She asks.

"Je vais juste me promener, et toi?" (I'm just going for a walk, what about you?) I ask also curious about why she's out here by herself when she's in Brazil with four other people.

"Pareil, Je vais juste me promener" (Same, just going for a walk) she responds. "Tu peux me rejoindre si tu veux, puisque nous sommes tous les deux seuls" (you can join me if you want,since we're both alone) she adds. And I'm shocked. I didn't think she would ever say that.

"Bien sûr!" (Sure!) I respond gladly. We start to walk. And honestly this feels really nice. I've missed this. Going on walks with her. It feels like old times.

"Donc la Formule 1!" (So Formula 1!) she says sparking up a conversation. "Oui, j'y suis depuis 2018" (yep, been in it since 2018) I say looking over at her. "Je suis très fier de toi, j'ai toujours su que tu pouvais le faire!" (I'm very proud of you, I always knew you could do it) she says looking over at me.

She's proud of me. I really needed that right now. But now I need to bring up one of the big question. "Alors ton petit ami?" (So your boyfriend?) I say as I start to look at the ground.

"Oui, Je l'ai rencontré à Los Angeles quand j'ai déménage là-bas. Nous sortons ensemble depuis 2017." (Yep, I met him in LA when I moved there. We've been dating since 2017) she says looking into the sky. She's trying not to make eye contact with me.

"2017s depuis longtemps" (2017s a long time) I say even though my heart is breaking. "Est-ce qu'il te traite mieux que moi quand j'étais ton homme?" (Does he treat you better than I did when I was your man?) I say curiously because I actually want to know.

Her face turned bright red. "Ummmmm" she said as she looked down at her fingers. "Je ne sais pas" (I don't know) she said looking over at the cars going by on the road.

"Your still wearing your bracelet?" She says changing the subject. We're speaking in English now I guess. "Yeah, I see you are too"

"Yep" she says looking up at me.
(Victoria's perspective)

"Yep" I say looking up at his face again. Those green eyes are so beautiful.

Why would he ask me that though. That was so weird. Why does he need to know that. But why didn't I say yes. I'm not still into him. Right?

Even though I have missed going on walks with him. Colin never goes on walks with me, I always just go alone.

"I've missed going on walks with someone" he says like he was reading my mind. "Same" I add. "Your boyfriend doesn't take you in walks?" He says shocked. "No, he's to famous" I say using my fingers as air quotes.

"He really said that?" He says and somehow is shocked look became even more shocked. "Yea" I say laughing "ridiculous right!" "So ridiculous!" He says starting to laugh as well.

We've been on this walk for about an hour just catching up. And it's honestly been really great. "Hey do you still have my number?" He asks. I don't know how to respond since I blocked him.

"Yea but your blocked, sorry" I say just telling the truth. "That's ok I understand" he says. "I'll unblock you though, right now" I say as I lightly punch his shoulder.

I take out my phone and find his number. I unblock him while showing him.

Just then I get a text from Colin.


C:Hey where are you you've been gone for so long?

V:I'm on a walk heading back soon<3

I respond. I don't want him to ask too many questions. "We should start heading back" I say as I put my phone back in my pocket. "Yea I agree, I'm starting to get tired" he says . I can tell he's lying. He's just agreeing with me.

We finally get back to the hotel. "What floor are you on?" He asks me. "7" "really, same" he says as we get into the elevator.

"Are you coming to the spring race tomorrow?" He asked pressing the 7 button. "No" I say leaning against the elevator wall. "Why?" "The boys want to go to some weird event instead, and we have to go with" I say rolling my eyes.

"Hey if you want to come I'll give you and Chloe if she wants to come too Ferrari paddock passes so that you don't have to go." He says smiling. "I would love to but what would I tell Colin?" I ask because he's not just going to let me go.

The elevator door opens to our floor. "Tell him Frédéric Vasseur saw your work and wants you to come take photos for Ferrari! That'll have to work!" He says all excited. "I'll try" I say as I stop at my door. "I'll text you" I say pulling the keycard out of my pocket

"Ok maybe I'll see you tomorrow then!" He says as he walks away down the hall.

I hope Colin doesn't catch me in a lie. I open the door and see everyone sitting down in different places around the room. "How was your walk?" Wyatt asks me.

"It was good, and you'll never believe who I ran in to!" "WHO!?" They all shout. "Frédéric Vasseur! Ferrari's team principal!" I say. Time to start this lie. "Now way!" Michael shouts. "What did you talk about?" Colin chimes in.

"I was talking about my photography and I showed him some pictures I've taken and he asked me if I could come take some photos for Ferrari at the sprint race tomorrow!" I say.

Colin's face drops. "What did you say?" He asks with a sad look on his face. "I said yes!" I say as Chloe stands up and gives me a hug to congratulate me. "But you were supposed to come with us to the event tomorrow" Colin adds in a low tone.

"I'm sorry but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity I can't pass it up!" I say. "I guess, congratulations babe" he says giving me a hug. I sit down in the chair furthest from everyone else and take out my phone.

I didn't even mention Chloe coming. She wouldn't like that I lied to everyone. I send Charles a message.


V:Hey, I'm coming to the sprint race tomorrow

C:Great! Meet me in the lobby
tommorow at 6AM!

V:Ok see you then!

I put my phone down and enjoy the rest of the night with my friends.

Childhood Love | Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now