Chapter 1: A New World?

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Yeah yeah, I know, I took my time publishing this. I simply lacked the motivation. Nothing more. This chapter is around the same as in the discontinued version with a few rewrites and yes, I added images. They're a fucking pain to add.

Silence.. more silence.. The silence was driving him crazy... The Doom Slayer had been fighting demons for eons, billions of years, and had saved humanity of several dimensions at least 4 times. And, yet, the fucking silence was driving him insane. It had been about 3 months since he had finished off that bitch Davoth and been stuffed in this god-forsaken sarcophagus.

 It had been about 3 months since he had finished off that bitch Davoth and been stuffed in this god-forsaken sarcophagus

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He wasn't even fucking dead and those fucking Maykers stuffed him in there like he had perished. No, he was far from dead. He had only been knocked unconscious, but those bastards didn't even check if he was dead or not. He's had enough. Enough of the darkness, the silence, the feeling of being alone. At first, when he trapped himself inside of Hell to keep the demons at bay, he had felt the feeling of being alone, but that feeling quickly disappeared when he remembered what those bastard demons did to his wife, his son, all his friends, everyone he had ever known... Daisy.. his beloved pet rabbit.. was the most distinct memory...

Daisy's severed head on a spike

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Daisy's severed head on a spike... he knew that he had to fight against the demons, to slaughter them all. After that, he had never felt the feeling of being alone, except when he was separated from his trusty super shotgun, of course. But now that the demons could no longer go out of hell with their lord slain, Doomguy felt as if he had no purpose, he felt.. empty... *Thump*

A thud was heard from inside the sarcophagus.


2 more.

4 more.

Then suddenly, the cursed sarcophagus was opened, well, more like.. exploded... As it turns out, the Slayer had been punching the sarcophagus from the inside! Now free, he climbed out of the blasted thing. He looked around, seeing that he was in the same place he had taken the Dark Lord's life sphere to summon him. Flynn walks around the place and finds his Praetor Suit nearby.

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