" Oh Damien came by so we were just seeing him off. Then he came back again because he left his wallet here" she said happily.

"I highly doubt that was the only reason he came back for like he and Em were in the kitchen alone for five minutes. Bro how long does it take to pick up something from a damn table?" Gigi whispered in her ear.

" Giiiii I heard you! " Emma said, slapping her back jokingly.

" I don't care," she replied.

Entering inside, they all dispersed.

Ailee strolled in her garden enjoying the cool and windy weather while calling back the number that was saved as 'Lily School'

"Hello," Came a girly voice laced with a heavy Scottish accent.

She immediately knew it was Evie, her close friend. Only Evie and Grace, her sister, had that accent in Ailee's class.

"Hi Evie, how are you?" she asked, smiling.

" Oh God, finally Ailee. I thought I would never get to talk to you" she said with a tinch of exhaustion in her voice.

" Uh I was umm out" she ran her fingers along the soft surface of the petals of the colorful flowers and replied.

" Yeah I heard. Also I only had your mother's number from school so say sorry to her for bothering her so much"

" It's okay, she doesn't mind."

" She's the best. So the great occasion for this urgency is..... Grace's wedding!" she exclaimed with joy.

" Wow, that's amazing. When is it?" she asked, genuinely drowning in happiness for her friend.

"In two weeks. I'll come to deliver the card myself very soon. You'll have to come"

"I wouldn't miss it. I promise"

"Great. I gotta go now. It was nice hearing from you so please stay in touch always"

" I'll try to. Take care" she said and hung up the phone.

Evie and Grace both are siblings and Ailee was the closest to them but then they shifted to other countries for higher studies and lost contact.

She was only reached out by her other mates when they wanted to know about the vacancies in her father's company or whenever they conducted some random reunions.

Once she was ready to go to a reunion but when they added her to the group chat, she got anxious and insecure of all the people who were talking like they usually do now....... inclusion of curses and dirty talk....... so she politely declined.

She knew the majority of them would be there at the wedding as Grace was kind of popular and because she made a drunken promise to invite them all at her knot-day.

Sighing, she went inside. She brought her art supplies to the balcony and painted a beautiful scene of her garden which she has previously done numerous times but there is always some difference in the flowers, the trees, clouds and other objects around.


Heavy footsteps echoed in the dark hallways as he made his way to the security room with a thick metal door.

Two guards, with grave expression, were stationed outside and one of them immediately opened the door for him.

He entered with long strides and sat on the chair behind the desk.

"Show me" he commanded with his usual gruff voice.

The man on the computer played the video files in which two men seemed to follow him everywhere he went.

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