~ Episode 5 ~

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~~~Y/N's P.O.V~~~

I was beyond confused as to why Jimin was treating me this way. He seemed to be angry at whatever I did. I could not help but wondered whether he would beat me, just like Auntie Eunchae, after we got married. Even if he does beat me up, I could only accept it as Auntie Eunchae had said that I would abide to him or else she would kill me if his family ever regretted their decision and wanted a refund from Auntie Eunchae. I watched as he drove his car away at an increasing speed. I walked to my math class, feeling worried about his safety. I met Doyoung along the way and he offered to walk me to my next class again.

Doyoung: "So why are you in a daze?" He asked with worry laced in his voice.

Y/N: "Oh, it is just Jim-, it is nothing." I stuttered, not wanting to say anything more.

Doyoung: "It is Jimin, isn't it?" He questioned with raised eyebrows.

Y/N: "Erm...it is just some personal matters." I replied and luckily, he did not question anymore but I could see that he still has some suspicions with him. I entered the classroom in which most of the people were already there, including Haruna and her friends. Haruna saw me and she smirked.

Haruna: "Hey, Freak. How are you and your miserable face?" Some people in the class laughed but her friends laughed the loudest. I turned red and quickly slipped into my seat with my head down. Throughout the whole lesson, I could feel small little bits of paper being thrown at me and I knew who it was. I could only pray for the class to end fast.

When the class ended, I rushed to my last class which was geography class and made my way home quickly in case Haruna and her friends want to have their way with me.

When the class ended, I rushed to my last class which was geography class and made my way home quickly in case Haruna and her friends want to have their way with me

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When I reached home, Auntie Eunchae was not home yet, and I could not help but breathed a sigh of relief. I made use of the time to complete my homework and make some dinner for Auntie Eunchae. Half an hour later, she staggered into the house with a bottle in her hand. I placed her dinner on the dining table once she plopped herself down. After seeing her dinner, she glared at me and yelled.

Eunchae: "What kind of dinner is this?!" The next thing I knew was she punched me in the stomach, and I doubled in pain. She kicked me over and over again and taking the plate of dinner, she dumped the mild hot contents onto my bruised face.

I shrieked in pain, and she laughed, grabbing her bottle and stumbled into her room. I lie on the kitchen floor and cried until I had no more tears. I picked myself up and clean up the mess before washing my face. I realised my face had become red, adding to the color of purple. I slipped into my bed and cried myself to sleep.

 I slipped into my bed and cried myself to sleep

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[Park Jimin] ~Protect Me~ ||Short Series|| ✅Where stories live. Discover now