The Beginning

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I saw her again, There she was—my mother, sitting beside me on my bed, reading my favorite storybook. Her voice was soft and soothing, bringing characters to life with each word. I listened intently, feeling the warmth of her presence enveloping me like a comforting embrace.

"Mom, can you read it again?" I asked, my eyes wide with wonder.

"Of course, sweetheart," she replied, her smile like a beacon of love.

She began the story anew, and I snuggled closer, feeling safe in her embrace. But this moment was just a memory, a fragment of the past I could never recreate.

Tears blurred my vision as the dream took a bittersweet turn. My younger self reached out, desperate to hold on to this precious memory a little longer. But like grains of sand slipping through my fingers, it slipped away, leaving an ache in my heart.

Her figure began to fade, and the room grew darker, as if mourning the loss of that cherished memory. It was a reminder that she was gone, and I was left with a void that no dream could fill.

A soft voice called my name, breaking the melancholic spell. I opened my eyes to find Ellie sitting on the edge of the bed, her face etched with concern.

"You were having a dream, weren't you?" Ellie asked, her voice gentle.
I nodded again, not wanting to share the details.

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked, her worry evident.

"Yeah , I'm fine. Let me get ready"

As my eyes glances through the window I saw Rome in his car singing at the top of his lungs.

"I though he didn't liked Taylor's song" I said.

"Well obviously he lied. He listen to her more than I do" She said while filming Rome's antics.

"I'm gonna make him do my assignments with this"

"It won't work. You'll end up doing his assignments El. That's how it always goes" I said as I look through my closet for some fits.

"You're probably right. Maybe I should take blackmailing classes first".

I decided on a oversized tshirt with leggings and started stripping.

"I see Mr levine is not here"

"No shit. He is doing extra shifts or so he says."

"More patients? "


"Wait what are you doing?"

"Getting ready? "

"You haven't even showered Aanya"

"I showered yesterday, at your house, you were there."

"That was 3 days ago, don't tell me you haven't showered since then."

"Umm" I tried to recall, and it hit me — I actually haven't showered since then.

"Seriously Aanya do you wanna scare other people. Get in the shower. "

"Hey I don't look that bad. Alright, fine! I'll take a quick shower now," I said, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.

As I come out of the bath I did feel better. Guess showers aren't bad after all.

As we got ready and stepped outside, Rome was waiting in his car with a mischievous grin on his face. He always had a knack for lightening the mood.

"What's with that look, Rome?" Ellie asked, noticing his expression.

"Just remembering how you tripped on your shoelaces last year," Rome chuckled, teasing Ellie.

She playfully swatted his arm and pretended to be all defensive, "Hey, it was not a trip, it was a graceful stumble. You know, it's the latest dance move!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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