Not the most romantic

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I laughed at Peter's expression as we walked into the maternity ward. "Is it necessary for me to come with you?" he whined. I nodded and smiled, "Come on!" I grabbed his hand as we walked to the front desk. A girl sat there, really pretty, but literally no clothes. I laid my head in my palm as my elbow rested on the counter, "Oh no." I groaned once I saw the 'seductive' look she was attempting to give Peter. I wrapped my arm around Peter's waist and smiled bitterly at the girl. "Hi, we're here for our appointment." That snapped her out of her trance as she glared at me. "Oh, name?"


"Oh, is she your friend?" she asked Peter as she eyed me with distaste. I glared at her and was about to retort with a witty comeback when Peter placed his large hand over my mouth. "Actually no, she's my fiancé." His face was blank as he said that and the poor girl flushed. She directed us to the room and then left. Her heels' click fading. I turned to Peter with a raised eyebrow, "Fiancé?" He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he looked at me. Amusement dancing in his eyes. "Let's dwell on it later, love." he said just as the doctor walked in. He was looking at a clipboard and taking my chance, I wacked Peter on the stomach, hard. I winced in pain when the back of my hand met his abs and cradled it into my chest. "Mother Ketchup." I whispered harshly. He gave me a look, "You're the one that hit me." I glared harshly at him, "Well next time don't have abs." He stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same. Narrowing his eyes, I was about to say a comeback when a throat clearing caught our attention. We slowly turned to the doctor whom was looking at us amusedly. "Are you done?" he asked, his head tilting down. I nodded quickly and placed my hands behind my back. "She started it anyway." Peter muttered. My head shot up at that. "No I didn't!" I shouted, my mouth agape. He took one look at me and burst out laughing. I scowled at him and kicked his leg. He laughed even harder while cradling his hurt leg. I glared at him and crossed my arms. "Are you done yet?" I asked, my foot tapping subconsciously. Peter looked up and burst out laughing once more. I scrunched up my nose and stood up on my toes, whacking him upside the head continuously. He continued to laugh as he picked me up bridal style and looked towards the doctor. "Where do you want me to them?" he asked. The doctor motioned over to the bed/seat thing in the far corner of the room. "Peter, you know I don't like it when my feet don't touch the floor." I said as I looked down at the tile below me. Peter smirked down at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. My own widened and I clung onto him for dear life as he let go. My eyes shut automatically but instead of the cold, hard ground, my backside met with a vinyl seat. I cautiously opened one eye to see an amused Maternity doctor and a smug Peter. Scowling, I flung the first thing that my hand landed on. Which just so happened to be the urine cup females are supposed to pee in. He caught it with a disgusted expression and quickly dropped it. I laughed loudly and laid back, allowing the doctor to do what he has to do. He smiled at the both of us and took out this gel bottle. "This might be a little cold." I nodded and cringed a little when he poured the gel over my exposed stomach. Peter grabbed onto my hand and gave me a small encouraging smile. Not that I needed it, I mean, I'm fully aware that I have a human being growing inside of me. You know? Yeah, nevermind, I need it.

"That's odd." The doctor murmured. My head shot over to him and I narrowed my eyes, "What do you mean? What's odd? Oh macaroon's, something's happened hasn't it?"

The doctor hastily shook his head, "No. No. No, its not that its just, by the appearance of the fetuses, they look to be 1 month in." I rubbed my forehead, so I'm a month pregnant, perfect. "Woah, wait, you said 'fetuses', as in more than one." Peter said. I squeezed his hand lightly and looked towards the doctor whom had a smile splitting his face. "Congratulations. You're having twins." My jaw dropped and Peter fell out of his chair. "Peter? Peter?" The doctor ran out then returned a second later with an open water bottle.

"S-so w-we're ha-having t-t-twins?" Peter chattered. I sighed and took off my green scarf, wrapping it around his neck. "Yeah." He looked down at me, just staring into my eyes. "I have to ask you something." he said as his gaze flickered down to my lips. I nodded, "Anything."


I smiled as I looked down at her. Her green eyes sparkling, nose a shade of red because of the cold, her cheeks flushed, and her beautiful, pink lips contrasting against her pale skin. "I have to ask you something." I said, my eyes still on her lips. She nodded, her beautiful brown hair shining with the little sunlight peeking out of the gray clouds, "Anything." I wrapped my arms around my waist and pecked her lightly. "You know I'm not the most romantic person in this realm." She smiled teasingly, her dimples making an appearance, "Or any realm." I chuckled lightly, brushing my cold nose over her cheek. "As I was saying, I'm not the most romantic person ever so I'm hoping to only do this once, with you." Her expression became confused, a cute little frown appearing between her brows. Her head tilted to the left and I smiled at the cute expression. I slowly pulled out the box from my jacket pocket and got down on one knee. I was faintly aware of the gasp emitting from her mouth and the small crowd of people that have gathered. "Haven, I've known you for over 200 years now. Thank you Neverland time. And may I say that I have never met any other girl like you. You are smart, kind, brave, and independent. You are stubborn, and obsessed with scarves." I laughed as she did. Her teeth and dimples showing. "But despite all of that I love you. I really do. Now, I know the time here is unlike Neverland's, but I really want to spend the rest of my life with you." I said as I opened the box. She gasped, tears spilling down her cheeks. "So what do you say, Haven? Will you marry me?" She nodded, tears still spilling down her face as she bent down, took my face in her hands and kissed me. Long and hard. (A/N: THAT SOUNDED DIRTY. DON'T MIND THAT.)

I smiled into the kiss and stood up as I placed the ring on her left hand. It was but a simple band with a small gem on top, but it was Haven. She didn't like over show. She was simply Haven, my Haven. She is my best friend, my lover, my soon-to-be-wife. I continued to kiss her, not caring about the many camera flashed or the claps or whatever the outside people were doing. It was just me and Haven. She pulled away, her cheeks flushed even more than before, a smile on her face. "So much for not romantic, huh?" She said, a teasing smile on her face. I laughed as I held her close. Shrugging I replied, "I tried." She laughed, the melodious sound reaching my ears and making me want to do nothing more than kiss her again. And that is exactly what I did.

AWWWW! So yeah, this happened. Thanks for the feedback guys, I don't think this chapter would have come out this way if y'all didn't respond. Typing out this chapter put a smile on my face. One so big that my cheeks hurt and I'm pretty sure my brother thinks i'm a creepy online stalker. Anyway, vote/comment/share do whatever you want to do so I can see your reactions to this chapter. I mean it, comment your little hearts out. Leave paragraphs with your reactions! I just want to see them. This book is already nearing its end and I'm really sad to see it be completed. Thank you so much for everything y'all have done with this book. Only a few more chapters to go. Thank y'all so much.

I love y'all and..

Stay sharp my rabbits!


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