Chapter 9: Fate chooses its own

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"So, since you're Mother Nature. Can't you take us to Henry? You know, change the course of fate?" Neal questioned. I shook my head as I climbed a tree, "That's not how it works lad. Fate chooses its own. Either way, I wouldn't be able to do it. Not here. On this land, albeit part of me, Pan owns it. He rules this island, therefore, he holds control over it. I have limited power here, enough to end Pet-I mean Pan, but not enough to lead us to Henry. That is why we need the demon." He sighed heavily as he hacked away at leaves in frustration. "Hey!" I hissed as I felt blood trickle down my arm. "Now that you know of my being don't you think you should respect me second form a bit more?" The wound stitched itself up, already healing. The leaves were still crying. I jumped down from the tree and walked up to the brush that Neal had hacked away at and began humming. "Why do you do that?" Snow questioned. I smiled as I soothed the plant. "Same way we sing lullaby's to lull our young to sleep. When I sing to the Earth it takes the pain away." My tank top was tugged down slightly. "What are these veins?" I heard Emma question. I whipped around and caught her wrist. "None of your concern." With that said, I sang one last note and sealed it with a kiss before walking away. However, when I turned, only Felix was there. His club was set on his shoulder, a small frown hidden under his smirk. "Hello Songbird." he said smoothly. I scowled, "My name is Haven, Felix. You know that." His smirk faltered a bit but he immediately picked it up. "Ah, yes. The extraordinary Haven Rhoades. Quite a reputation you've built up." I asked him his business on being here and he only stayed quiet. A frown now visible on his face. Then I was met with darkness.

I screamed and kicked as the lost boys continued to drag me around. My nails turning into claws and digging into the earth. The trees have tried to help but only got hacked away, it was then that I begged them to stop. My body was covered in leaves, mud, and dried blood. I struggled more and was greeted with a swift kick to the ribs. "Quiet down!" a lost boy growled. I growled back and listened for his footsteps before swiping my claws at his ankle. Hitting my target I used fire to burn the ropes off of my hand. Using my now free hands, I pulled the hood off and jumped to my feet. My torso was still tied up; a piece of rope acting as a leash. I growled and jumped up, successfully landing on the shoulders of the lost boy dragging me. "Nighty night." With that said, I pushed the pressure point on his jaw and he crumpled to the ground, out cold. Laughing to myself as the other lost boy cradled his sliced ankle I turned to come face to face with a lean chest covered with a brown tunic. Looking up, I caught sight of Felix's emotionless gaze. My expression darkened. Using my powers, I held him up against a tree by a branch. "Why?" I demanded. Felix looked into my eyes, his face turning a sickly green as the chloroform entered his blood stream. Looking into his blue eyes, I knew I had my answer, so I let him go. He fell to the ground, on his knees. I stayed looking down at him, tears threatening to make their way down my face. Suddenly, he shot up, my petite body in his arms, against the tree. I groaned as my head hit the bark of the large jungle tree. Felix looked into my eyes, and unidentifiable emotion lingering in his. His gaze landed on my lips and stayed there. With a new intensity, his lips found mine. His lips rough against mine as he forced my mouth open with his own. I stayed unmoving, the shock of this experience still not catching up with me. When his tongue touched mine, I tried to push him away but I couldn't move at all. He pulled away slightly and opened his palm. A vile of mistletoe lying in it. I turned my gaze back to his smug face. The asshole paralyzed me. His lips found my own again and I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to focus on my powers. It was useless, my powers move with me and since I can't move, no powers. I bit down on his lip when his tongue shoved its way down my throat. He pulled away, his swollen lip bleeding. Wiping it, he looked at me. " Funny, but you're still paralyzed. " Pulling out a dagger, he began to cut away at my shirt. A scream built its way in my throat and into the air surrounding us. The first time I've ever screamed.

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