Depuis le début

???: Hmm

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???: Hmm...Someone came to visit, director - San ?

A familiar voice silenced me and it just came from the kitchen

Aqua: (Probably...) - Run to the kitchen

Arima: Hey, where are you going ?

Aqua: Uhhh.......

Mori: Hm ?

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Mori: Hm ?

Aqua: Mori !?

Mori: Oh, hello Aqua. Did you go to the first day of class today ?

Aqua: Yeah that's fine, but why are you here? Are you supposed to be at home right now ?

Mori: Ah, today I contacted the director to come over to play. By the way, help his mother with the cooking too

Aqua: I see...

Director's mother: Um...Thank you very much for coming. You are more filial than my stupid son ^^

Director: I heard it all!

Mori: Anyway, please wait a little longer, the meal is about to be prepared --

Aqua: Yes

Arima: Aqua, why did it take you so long...Hm ?

Mori: Oh, did you bring your friends too?

Arima: Aqua, who is this ?

Aqua: This is the person who looks after us and is also the operator of the production Kimura Mori

Arima: Oh...Nice to meet you

Mori: Um...It's nice to meet you too...Uhhhhh....

Aqua: Yes, this is Arima Kana, the one who acted with me when I was little. Do you remember ?

Mori: Hmm...Arima Kana...She was a famous child actress for a while, right?

Arima: Oh my gosh, finally someone recognizes me --

Mori: Uhhh...Okay...

Arima: Ah...Ahem...Sorry, it's all Ruby's fault...

Mori: Oh, have you met Ruby too ?

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