Chapter 22: The Western Air Temple

Start from the beginning

We landed on an open area around a fountain as we soon got off of Appa's back and took in our surroundings.

Teo: It's so different from the Northern Air Temple. I wonder if there are any secret rooms.

Haru: Let's go check it out.

Haru, The Duke, and Teo took off to explore the air temple, and Aang was about to join them but Katara stopped Aang with his own glider staff.

Katara: You guys go, I think we need to talk about some things.

The other 3 hardly listened as they ran off and began their exploration. I'll be honest, I did kinda want to join them, but Katara is right, we had some important matters to discuss.

Aang: Why can't I go?

Katara: We need to decide what we're going to do now. And since you're the Avatar, maybe you should be a part of this.

(Y): Not too mention basically our leader if not the second in command.

Toph: *confused* Who would be above Aang amongst us?

(Y): Meh, I would say Katara or Sokka since they seem to be the most mature. Maybe Sokka since he is the planning guy.

Toph: What, you think I couldn't do that kind of stuff?

(Y): Well more so your plans would be more brute force rather than careful and precise.

Toph: *blunt* You say that like it's a bad thing.

(Y): It can be.

Toph: *pouts* Brute force does work at times.

Aang: Alright fair enough. So what's the new plan?

Sokka: Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan. You just need to master all 4 elements and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes.

Aang: *dismissive* Oh, yeah, that's great, no problem, I'll just do that. *flicks pebble away*

Katara: Aang, no one said it's gonna be easy.

Aang: Well, it's not even going to be possible. Where am I supposed to get a firebending teacher?

Katara: *Hopeful* We can look for Jeong Jeong.

Aang: *dismissive* Yeah, right. Like we'll ever run into Jeong Jeong again.

Toph: Who's... Oh, nevermind. If it's important, I'll find out.

Sokka: Hey! What if we were to work backwards and instead have him learn lavabending! He already knows Earthbending, so lava should be no problem right?! Maybe he can even learn fire from it.

(Y): Sokka, that's not how that works. It's not fire and earth mixed together. Heat may be applied yes, but that's like saying an airbender can learn waterbending by just bending the air around the water. Besides, lavabending seems to be a super rare ability, and while Aang is the Avatar, I don't know if he could master it quick enough to use against the Fire Lord in any meaningful way, if he even could learn it.

Sokka: Well it still be good to learn, I mean lava's got to be stronger than fire right?

(Y): *blunt* Yeah, but I think a comet has more power than a single lava geyser.

Aang: Oh well, guess we can't come up with anybody. *gets up and runs* Why don't we just take a nice tour around the temple?

Aang and Momo then flew off before anyone could object to what he said, leaving us to keep thinking.

Toph: *confused* What's up with him?

(Y): He might be trying to avoid this issue and is just trying to be a kid again, like how it was before today.

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