Chapter 242

"I came back last night." Su Jinyue went to the sofa and sat down.

Chen Zhenghai nodded with a smile and pointed to the foreign humanitarian beside him: "this is Mr. Bruce, a member of the Venetian family. He is here to see you this time." Bruce came to him to ask Su Jinyue to go to the United States to see his father.

Bruce smiles at Su Jinyue, nods his head, reaches out his hand and says, "Hello! I'm Bruce. I'm Gretel's father After Gretel told him about Su Jinyue, he arranged the family affairs and flew to China.

"Hello Su Jinyue reaches out her hand and shakes it. She is very clear about what the other party is looking for, but she will not go to the United States.

"I'm here for the same purpose as Gretel. I want you to go to the United States to see my father. Because my father's illness is very strange. He can't move at all. We can't send him to Huaxia for medical treatment, so we have to trouble you to go to the United States. We will try our best to meet your needs and conditions. " Bruce said sincerely. If it wasn't for inviting Su Jinyue to the United States to treat his father, he would not have come to China specially.

undefined"I'm sorry! I don't have time to go to the United States now. " Su Jinyue took out a jade bottle, "I have a medicine here, it should be able to cure your father's disease, but its price is not cheap."

Bruce frowned. "Miss Su, I can't make fun of my father's body. I sincerely invite you to come this time. " Gretel said she was a great doctor, but he thought she was a liar. Even the patient didn't see it, so she said her medicine could cure her father. This is too hasty.

"I'm a doctor and I never make fun of a patient's body. If you don't believe it, I don't want to Su Jinyue put the pills away. If she takes this elixir, as long as the patient has a breath, she will be cured. She can't buy it with real money.

"Can you show me that pill?" Chen Zhenghai asked. Last time he heard Lao Li say that his hospital accepted a vegetable who had been in a coma for 12 years. According to the father of the patient, his son woke up after taking a pill his daughter took back.

Naturally, doctors in hospitals don't believe such words. After all, what they advocate now is science. Maybe the patient was about to wake up when his family got a pill. So the final conclusion is that because the patient's mother insists on massaging the patient every day, the patient will wake up.

He also didn't believe that there was such a thing, but he was also a little curious, so he checked and found that the patient's sister, the girl who got the pill, was also from their school. It happened that the other party and Su Jinyue were still at the same table.

Now Su Jinyue takes out the pills. He guesses that the pills Qian Moli gave her brother were given by Su Jinyue. If it is true, it is very likely that Qian Moli's younger brother woke up after taking pills. So this pill of Su Jinyue may really cure Bruce's father.

Su Jinyue takes out the pill and hands it to Chen Zhenghai.

Chen Zhenghai took over the porcelain bottle and opened it. A strong fragrance of medicine immediately escaped from the porcelain bottle, which made him feel refreshed. "Su Jinyue, what kind of pill is this?"

"The main ingredient of qingliandan is qinglianzi." Su Jinyue did not hide. Qingliandan is very precious, but it has not reached the level of panacea after all.

Chen Zhenghai put on the lid of the porcelain bottle and handed it to Su Jinyue, "did you give Qian Moli the pill?" If there is a medicine that can sober the vegetative, it will definitely shock the whole medical field.

"Yes, but this pill can't be mass produced." Su Jinyue nodded.

Hear Su Jinyue admit, Chen Zhenghai heart a burst of ecstasy, but Su Jinyue next words, but like a basin of cold water in general, pouring his heart pull cool pull cool, "why?"

"Because the herbs needed to make this kind of medicine are too precious. It's hard to find lotus seeds alone. Even if they are found, they must be more than 500 years old before they can be used as medicine. It's not only lotus seed, but also ginseng, Cordyceps and other precious herbs with more than 100 years of history. " Su Jinyue said.

"No wonder it works that way." Chen Zhenghai shocked. Even if such a medicine is really made, several people can afford it.

Seeing Chen Zhenghai's happy, disappointed and shocked look, Bruce is also curious, but he can't understand. He only knows some simple Chinese.

"Principal Chen, what are you talking about?" Bruce couldn't help asking.

"We're talking about this elixir, Mr. Bruce! I suggest you buy this pill, maybe you will get unexpected effect Chen zhenghaidao. If he had money, he would buy this pill. After all, if you miss this opportunity, it won't happen again.

Bruce frowned, stood up and said, "principal Chen, you can't let me buy this pill just because the other party is your student. I come from the west, and I can't understand Chinese medicine. But I know that doctors in any country can't prescribe medicine without confirming the patient's condition. You really let me down

With that, Bruce walked out angrily.

Chen Zhenghai shook his head helplessly and looked at Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue shrugged indifferently, "headmaster, please help me cancel my vacation. I can have a normal class tomorrow." She gave each other a chance, the other side does not want it, it has nothing to do with her.

Chen Zhenghai nodded, "Su Jinyue, if Bruce wants to, how much will you let him pay?" He really wants to know.

"Ten million meters." Su Jinyue said. For the Venetian family, ten million meters is just a drop in the bucket, and the owner of the Venetian family has more than ten million lives.

"What?" Although already had made the psychological preparation, but heard Su Jinyue's words, Chen Zhenghai was still stunned.

Su Jinyue took out the porcelain vase again and handed it to Chen Zhenghai, "headmaster, this pill is for you." She had planned to give it to Chen Zhenghai if Bruce didn't want it.

Chen Zhenghai looked at the porcelain vase in Su Jinyue's hand. He was stunned for a long time. He waved his hand and said, "it's too precious. I can't take it." He is very excited, but the value of this pill is too high, even if he is excited again, he can't afford it.

"It's just a medicine in my eyes." Su Jinyue put the vase on the table in front of Chen Zhenghai. She gave it to Chen Zhenghai because he will use it soon.

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