Chapter 291-300

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Chapter 291

After chatting with the master for a while and calling her parents, Su Jinyue entered the cultivation state.

The night passed in a flash.

The next day, before dawn, Su Jinyue got on the car sent by Lin Musheng and left home.

By the time we got to the army, the doctors were already gathering.

Su Jinyue walked into the team and stood beside a young male doctor.

undefinedSeeing Su Jinyue, the male doctor smiles at her and points to the other side where the young girl is standing. "The nurse is standing there." Although he has heard of Su Jinyue, he has never seen her. Su Jinyue's position is one level higher than him, and she has only been to the military region once, so most doctors and nurses in the military region hospital have never seen Su Jinyue. Many people haven't even heard of her name.

Doctors and nurses have heard about Su Jinyue's offering qingliandan to the army free of charge. However, the upper level did not announce Su Jinyue's name, so only a small number of doctors and some upper level people knew Su Jinyue's name.

Su Jinyue nodded her head with a smile and went to the other side. She doesn't care where she stands.

After a while, Lin Musheng came to the front of the team. He looked around at the people. When he saw Su Jinyue standing with the nurses, he was a little surprised. How did she stand with the nurses?

Su Jinyue saw Lin Musheng looking at himself, smiling at him and shaking her head.

Lin Mu Sheng helplessly smile, "time is almost up, everyone get on the car ready to start." Su Jinyue should not want people to know that she is Su Jinyue, so she deliberately stood with the nurses. However, she didn't look like a doctor. Other doctors carried a medicine box besides luggage. She only carried a military green schoolbag and a parcel.

They came to the military vehicle and climbed up one by one in order.

There were two rows of benches in the car, and people sat down on them in turn.

"Are you the new nurse? I haven't seen you before. " Sitting beside Su Jinyue, a round faced nurse said.

"I think so." Su Jinyue said with a smile.

"My name is Xiao Xiao, and you?" The round faced nurse said with a smile.

"Su Jinyue." Su Jinyue did not hide.

Xiao Xiao nodded with a smile, "you look very young. You should have just graduated, right? What school did you graduate from? " The nurses in their military region also have to go through layers of screening.

"Medical University." Su Jinyue said.

"Medical University! There are many excellent doctors. President Lin graduated from Medical University. " The other side of a melon face nurse said enviously.

"It's said that the doctor who provided Dan medicine to the army for free this time is also from the Medical University." The nurse with shoulder length short hair said.

"I really want to see that doctor and see what kind of person she is and how she can be so great." Xiao Xiao worship said. They and the nurses have heard about it, but they can't get any other information except that the doctor is from the Medical University and a female doctor. That's the top secret.

Melon face nurse nodded in agreement, "can put so good medicine free contribution, ordinary people can't do."

Su Jinyue touched her nose and saw Lin Musheng looking at her with a smile.

As the crowd spoke, the car started slowly.

After driving for almost half an hour, the car stopped at a military airport.

Everyone jumped out of the car one by one in order. When they saw the three planes not far away, many people's faces looked forward to and yearned for them.

"This is my first time to see a plane. I don't know what it's like to fly in the sky by plane. It's like a bird." Xiao Xiao looks at the plane not far away. Her face is full of expectation, but her heart is also a little nervous. After all, it was her first time to fly.

"Me too, Su Jinyue. How about you?" Shu Lan, a nurse with melon shaped face, turns to see Su Jinyue. After chatting all the way, they have become familiar with each other.

"I have." Su Jinyue said.

Lu Ping, Xiao Xiao and Shu Lan, nurses with short hair, all looked at Su Jinyue in surprise. "You've been on a plane. What's it like to be on a plane?" I didn't expect that Su Jinyue was younger than them, but she had already taken a plane.

"It's not much different from taking a car, it's just more stable." Su Jinyue looks at the nearby battle is also cold, at this time he is with the soldiers trotting to a plane line, mouth slightly raised.

There seems to be an induction, Zhan Yihan turns his head and looks at her.

Two people's sight met in midair, tightly intertwined together, seems to be telling the missing of these days.

Seeing Su Jinyue looking at Zhan Yihan, Xiao Xiao said, "that's the commander of Zhan Yihan company. He looks good, but he never talks to girls. It's said that there are many female soldiers in the army and several female doctors in our hospital like him, but it's a pity that Luohua is merciless. "

"I don't know what kind of girl can get into his eyes." Lu Ping looks at Zhan Yihan. In fact, she was also worried about the war, but the invisible breath from him made her a little nervous. She knew she couldn't control the man.

"Last time I heard that company commander Zhan had a fiancee, and his fiancee came to see him in the army." Shulan said.

"What does his fiancee look like? Is it beautiful? " Lu Ping and Xiao Xiao want to know what kind of woman can make Zhan Yihan's heart beat and melt his iceberg.

Shu Lan shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't know. I just heard that company commander Zhan was very kind to his fiancee. They walked on the playground hand in hand."

"Really?" Lu Ping and Xiao Xiao feel a little incredible. It's really hard for them to imagine Zhan Yihan holding a woman's hand and walking with her.

"Let's get on that plane." Lin Musheng came to the people, pointed to a blue and white plane, and took them to the plane.

Su Jinyue takes back her sight and keeps up with the crowd. Fortunately, I can see him from time to time in the next half month.

On the plane, most people are full of excitement and excitement. Many of them are flying for the first time.

"I'm a little nervous. What should I do?" Shulan's face is full of expectation and excited smile, but her hand is nervous to hold up.

"Me too. I'm afraid of heights. Now I'm afraid. What should I do?" Lu Ping's body trembled uncontrollably.

"Don't be afraid. It's going to be OK. You won't feel anything when you go to heaven." Su Jinyue said.

"Really?" Lu Ping is a little dubious.

"Su Jinyue has been on a plane. You believe she can't be wrong." Xiao Xiao echoed. In fact, she was a little nervous.

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