Chapter III - The Wheel of Fortune

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 Despite there being a rather warm atmosphere today, Maxim experienced a sense of chill running through his body. He reconsidered for a moment and thought about just not answering at all. But he mustered his courage, and as he wiped out the sweat on his forehead, he brought the phone to his left ear.

"Good morning." His voice was faint.

"Mornin'. Mr. Ban, may you know why I called you?" No alterations were sensed, like his words were devoid of emotion.

"... About my absence. I am very much aware, sir. You see –" But he was interrupted.

"Yes, yes. I am glad we're on the same page. You see, Mr. Ban, it is not the first deviation from the rules on your account, from my recollection. You've already faced a bunch of write-ups thanks to your 'questionable', let's say, behavior with other colleagues. Yet we've always looked away, owing to your indisputable results in your field of work." All this was uttered in a tedious, almost routine tone.

"Yes, my results, yes." Maxim hurried to reaffirm his boss' words.

"In spite of that...'' and the boss made a slight pause, "Not only do your results as of lately leave much to be desired, but you are missing today out of all days, when the image of our company relies on your performance... Furthermore, going unnoticed, without even alerting us beforehand of your, your... unprofessional outbursts of ignorance". He slightly raised his voice as he was speaking, but calmed down quickly.

The authoritative man let out a sigh and cleared his throat. He continued. "I am obliged to take measures."

Maxim protested, regaining some of his will. "But, sir. All of it can and will be explained. Today was a day of unfortunate circumstances. Nothing but regrettable turns of events prevented me from performing as always. Allow us to meet and clear the confusion at once!"

The discussion was taking place as Maxim dashed through the streets. His condition was put under stress, visible in his grave breathing.

"I fear not, Mr. Ban. In fact, I was more than willing to turn a blind eye once again to your misconduct, even telling Jean, the secretary, to take my place in the office until I resolved the issue with you. And oh, I troubled her for naught, sir. For your dear underling, Ryan, caught you entering a cafe not long after your so-called appointment time. It was his day off, but he made sure to call me in an instant."

Hearing the aforementioned, Maxim's heart skipped a beat. His pace subconsciously slowed, and he remained still for a moment, his unfocused gaze pointing at the ground.

"He must be dreaming! He could never stand my success; that must be it!" At once, he rashed at the phone, as if stirring his anger at an inanimate object would solve his current predicament.

The boss sensed that he had awakened something in him, to which he replied with even more monotony. "I ask of you to keep your composure, Mr. As if his witness wasn't enough of a fact, an old employee also happened to inform me that you did, in fact, waste your morning in her cafe. I believe her name was Karla? Probably so... She still has my number because... ahem, we are good acquaintances..."

An unnatural change of speed in his talking occurred. "Karla brought up your 'idealistic', rather childish, way of thinking and the way you so blatantly defy us, defy me. For crying out loud, you didn't use to be like this!"

Without exception, every muscle in Maxim's face contorted at once, so that his mouth evoked a sound like gasping for air or a groan. 'How did that bitch do it? It had to happen while I was waiting for my coffee. Jesus Christ, I can't believe my ears!!' went through his mind at the moment. But he resumed his steps.

A robotic voice followed. "Are cups of coffee of more importance than your career, Mr. Ban? Should I take your previous actions as a personal insult?"

With an attitude that still inspired hope, he objected. "No! But of course not, sir! Because I-I..."

In the Morning HourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora