Set in Chrome {Chibs Telford}

Start from the beginning

She sighed throwing the stack of papers in her hand onto the desk and walked outside to let him know that they would have to keep his car for the next day or so until the paperwork on it was found. She gave him a polite smile and he through his arms in the air.

"Finally!" He yelled. "tell me I can sign and get my car out of this dump." He said pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the beads of sweat from his brow.

Gemma smile apologetically. "I'm sorry sir, I just have no idea what could have happened to your paperwork. I could wait until my husband gets back to see if he put it somewhere else, but for now, you can't take it off the lot." She was being incredibly polite considering the type of day she was having. 'God damn it Clay.' she thought to herself as this guy let loose on a rant the likes of which Teller-Morrow had NEVER seen. "I'm sorry but I need you to calm down, its just not that big of a deal." Gemma explained. He turned to look at her, she said she would look again and turned her back to head back towards her office but the hefty, pissed off customer grabbed her arm roughly. Gemma turned about to toss a punch this guys way when someone grabbed his shoulders from the back, twisting his arm around.

She put her hand over her mouth as her very own daughter leaned over the guys shoulder as he was in very clear pain. "Apologize to my mother you scum." She growled. The guy said he was sorry. Gemma put her hand on her hip and nodded to her baby girl. Her daughter through the guys into his car, face first and held him against it. "Patience is a virtue asshole." She said letting him go. He turned to her as she through two hundred dollars at him. "Should be more than enough for a cab, try again tomorrow with a little more grace and you can pick it up then." The guys nodded and hurried out of the lot. Gemma smiled as her daughter took her helmet off, hanging it on the bike and turned to look at her. Gemma sobbed and through her arms out coming over to wrap her in a long overdue hug. Her daughter hugged back as Gemma kept holding her tighter, and tighter. She pulled away looking her daughter over and huffed dropping her arms.

"You look like a whore." She said as her lips started to betray a smile. Her daughter laughed and kissed her mom's cheek.

"I missed you." She said smiling.

"Missed you more brat." She said throwing her arm around her shoulder and lead her into the clubhouse to have a drink with her baby. They sat down at the bar, disregarding the looks from a few guys in the place when they came in. "Why didn't you call? We weren't expecting you baby." she said grabbing two beers. "Still drink?" she asked, her daughter nodded. Gemma sat down opening them both and they both took a long swig. "Ugh, I must have been a horrible roll model." she laughed.

"Never." her daughter said smiling. Gemma laughed. "I'm sorry I didn't call, I thought you would like a surprise visit." Gemma nodded. "I missed the place." she said shrugging.

"Oh baby," Gemma cooed. "I MUST have done something wrong for you to miss this place." Her daughter laughed.

"No, this is where my family is, you Jax, Clay, the boys." She explained. "Can we just be happy right now?" Gemma sighed and nodded with a smile.

"Your brother is gonna be happy to see you, ya know." She said. "You been away for a long time." She said.  "Clay isn't gonna believe how much you grown up, hell I can hardly believe it." She said steering away from Jax.

Sonya laughed at that one. "You and me both." She shook her head. "This has been a long time coming." Gemma laid a hand on her baby's shoulder.

"Gemma?" Came one of the guys voices.

Gemma turned with a big smile. "Come 'ere fellas, I want ya to meet someone." She called. Sonya turned to see two guys she didn't know coming over, once wearing a "prospect" cut on his back, the other a full blown sons cut. As they came closer Sonya noticed that he had scars on his face, she just couldn't help averting her eyes from this guy, he was handsome though to say the very least. "Guys this is my youngest," She said putting her arms around Sonya's shoulders. "My daughter Sonya. Sonya, this is Kip and the resident Scotsman Chibs." She nodded moving to shake their hands.

"Oi girl, any girl o Gamma's doesn't shake hands." Chibs said grabbing her in a big hug making her laugh, a slight blush hit her cheeks but she dropped her head, brushing her auburn red hair from her face, then looked to the other guy. He hugged her as well.

"You might as well call me HalfSack." He said laughing.

Sonya laughed. "HalfSack?" She asked. He nodded. "Will do then." she said giving Gemma a strange look.

"You know how they are with their nicknames." Everyone laughed and Gemma stood up as everyone migrated outside after the beers were done. "Where you staying baby?" She asked.

"Hotel about 2 miles from your place." She said.

"Like hell you are." Gemma said sternly. "I can make up the guest room." she crossed her arms.

Sonya huffed. "And listen to you and Clay having gross loud sex? No thanks." She said. Her mom hit her shoulder and they all laughed.

"Well I don't want you staying there." She thought for a moment.

"I'm sure Clay wouldn't mind her staying in the clubhouse while shes around."Kip said. Chibs nodded, not the talkative one.

Gemma looked as though that idea wasn't first in her book either. "Thats perfect." Sonya said smiling to her mom. "I'll be saving some money, and won't be scarred for the rest of my life." they all laughed.

Gemma sighed giving her a serious look. "Well I'll talk it over with Clay, he'll have to run it by the guys. In the meantime how bout we head home with your stuff and get you cleaned up and showered?"

"You don't have to twist my arm." She said laughing and walked over to her bike. "I'll follow you."

"Hold it there lass." Chibs said coming over to where she sat. "1963?" He asked. Sonya nodded proudly. "Classic beauty." He said shaking his head. "See this prospect?" Kip nodded coming over along Gemma. "This is what ya shoot for, this is a dream piece." He said touching the handles.

"Well I could let ya take it for a spin some time." Sonya laughed.

"How in the blue hell did a young thing like you get somethin like this?" He asked still adoring the bike.

Sonya glanced to her mom who looked down, touching the handle bars sadly. Sonya laid her hand over her mother's making her smile through a painful memory and bad point in their lives. "My dad gave it to me, rebuilt the engine himself ya know." She said running a hand through her hair.

"One of John's?" Chibs asked. She nodded. "Well your da' sure knew what he was doing with this. I ain't never seen anything more beautiful in me life." He said softly. She smiled in thanks.

"Ok." Gemma said. "Enough of this sad shit, lets get ya home baby girl." Sonya nodded strapping on her helmet, letting the guys know it was nice meeting them and that she would no doubt see them around more often. Gemma's BMW pulled out and Sonya followed suit heading back to her mother's home.

Set in Chrome {Chibs Telford}Where stories live. Discover now