8* rude café

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end of class

teruhashi : saiki- lets go

saiki: {right} [i haven't excepted the idea that teruhashi is my girlfriend yet but having her as some one I can more then tolerate is good enough for me]

aren: i guess saiki preoccupied

kido: oh i what to show him a cool location it could be dark reunion secret base 

aren: na but i'll go

nendo: were we going to get ramen , hey were best pal

aren: na shun has a cool location he want's to show use and saiki with his girl

nendo: mmm i but best pall

kido: don't worry about him now come on

at the front of the school with saiki and teruhashi

teruhashi: so we still goin to the caffe right

saiki: {ye you said free coffee jelly right}

teruhashi: is it really that good [i wish he would look at me the same way he looks at coffee jelly ]

saiki: {it takes the rich, robust scène and flavour of coffee and condenses in to a single sublime package and once you add milk you have a hole new experience something so decadent should be illegal}

teruhashi: [he's cute when talking about it to 🥰]

saiki: {please don't stare}

teruhashi: oh sorry  (looking away embarrassed) [wait why am i embarrassed  hes my boyfriend I can stare all I like ]

saiki: {i would appreciate it if you didn't}

teruhashi: but your cute (blushing)

saiki: [since when was she so forward it kind of annoying ]

after some walking they end up at the café 

male worker 1: offu good evening miss welcome to miya café is it a table for 1

teruhashi : no for 2

male worker: oh you're friend show up later 

teruhashi: no I'm with my boyfriend 

male worker 1: i'm flattered but i'm woking right now 

saiki to teruhashi only: {he remind me of a certain blue-haired girl  in front of me}

teruhashi : turns around and playful punch saiki

male worker 1 : ho is this man bothering you

teruhashi: no he's my boyfriend


 then 3 other guys come from behind a counter and go up to saiki

male worker 2: you bothering this lady

male worker3 : i think you should leave this café sir

male worker 4: miss could i escort you to a safe place  

teruhashi then slap male worker 4 across the face

saiki: [what! just happened}

male worker 4: miss?

teruhashi: 'saiki were leaving ' grabbing saiki hand and rushing out the café 

teruhashi: those workers were so unreasonable I hated that place they were so rude they didn't even listen to me 

saiki {well does that mean no coffee jelly}

teruhashi: i guess but i could make you some 

saiki: {yes yes yes yes - sorry please can i have some of your home made coffee jelly}

teruhashi: is my cooking that good

saiki:{it's better then then market one but still lower compared to the one's sold a at the café  though

teruhashi: well that's better then nothing  [he likes my cooking I'm glad since i did those lesions for him in the first place ]

saiki: {thank you for that}

teruhashi: ha! i forgot about your mind reading ,any whay lets go

at the saiki house

kurumi: welcome home ku and kokomi you came as well welcome

teruhashi: sorry for the intrusion

kurumi: don't be any who so what bring you here

teruhashi: i whant to make some cofee jelly for a pink haired tsundere 

kurumi: oh my

saiki: {i am not}

teruhashi: [funny you think that ]

saiki just walks in to the living room and sits down

kurumi: so you and my son

teruhashi give her a sweet smile

kurumi: well daughter your not cooking any thing for  saiki till he  finish dinner sorry

teruhash: you don't need to apologize 

kurmi: oh sorry deer i was say sorry to saiki not you as you shouldn't have to cook for him he should do it him self 

saiki: [well she not wrong but there something about teruhashi cooking ]

kurumi: you just go and snuggle with saiki for a bit

teruhashI blushing walking to living room : s-saiki 

saiki: {yes}

teruhashi: 'sign this pleas' placing down the group admission slip for the school trip

saiki: {why}

teruhashi: in exchange for me making coffee jelly for you you will be part of my group for the trip

saiki: {tsk fine } sign the paper

teruhashi : [see tsundere ]

saiki: {i disagree}

teruhashi: doesn't make the statement any less true

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