4* confession

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[thought] {saiki using telepathy}


saiki is walking down stairs


kurumi: morning ku breakfast almost ready 

saiki sits down at the table 

some time pass and kurumi put down a palte with bacon egg and sausages on  

kurumi: enjoy ku

some time passes

then kuniharu rush down stairs entering the living room: has kusuo left  

saiki finishing his breakfast: {yes} teleport to the front door garbing his shoes and teleporting to  the school roof {mm lucky there no one around at this time , i wish my dad wasn't so irresponsible } putting on his shoes {this day going to be a pain} sitting down waiting for people to show up

teruhashi house 

teruhashi finish her breakfast : [i should get going] getting up walking out the door . 

at school

teruhashi :[i was hoping to run in to saiki on the way in ]

saiki on the roof: {how annoying}

teruhashi: [saiki?] turning round ' he not there'

saiki: [how could she hear me i , mmm my telepathy activated with out me wanting it to , that could be a problem]

in the class room

teruhashi:[what was that did i hear saiki call me annoying , that can't be im the perfect-]

saiki:[i could actually ye ok this could work]

teruhashi:[pretty girl so how could he] 

saiki: {what a pain some so obnoxious is just annoying}

teruhashi: looking around in confusion[did i just hear saiki] looking at saiki but hes taking notes  [what was that?] 

saiki: [it's a little harsh put i'm hoping she'll lose interest if her feeling are hurt making her dislike me ]

later that day saiki kept doing this little trick in the library calling her gold digger , during lunch he called her a tow-faced amugs other thing

end of the school day

saiki: [i do feel bad but it's better for her to move paste the idea of loving me ]

teruhashi:[why i'm i hearing saiki in my head i'm i goin crazy]

saiki: {you going crazy no you already were, view self as perfect when all you are is-} [condescending entitled girl , ok that to fare i'm glad i stopped the telepathy before thing got out of hand ]

teruhashi: in shock [w-what the hell] 'saiki'

saiki: looking at her {ye}

teruhashi: you're going to walk me home please

saiki: [tsk] just nods 

guy 1: what 

guy2: what does he have

guy3: he so plain

saiki and teruhashi walkout the school

guy 4: is that pink haird guy following the angle dam him

guy5: he she ask he to walk with her

guy4: bull there no chance i'm going to follow then you tell the kokominzu 

guy5: fine

saiki: [this is going to get annoying]

teruhashi: is there a place we can sit

saiki: {there a park near by}

teruhashi: ok lets go there 

--at the park--

teruhashi:[ mmm what do i do i don't get it why did i ask him hear , just ask him is he likes you right if he say no what will i do , why would he say no i'm the pretty is girl in the world no one coul ] *looking back on her thoughts* [your annoying , two-faced , crazy. mmm]

saiki: [looks like my telepathy worked to well] 

teruhashi  : saiki will you-

guy4: wow teruhashi what are you doing out her 

teruhashi: oh ren from class 1-C right

ren: ye you remember my name 

teruhashi: [ye i remember every one name] ye why wouldn't i (giving a smile)

ren: offu 

saiki then get up and starts walking away 

teruhashi: saiki wait up (get off the bench and joging to catch up with him ) why you walk of

saiki: {you ask me to walk but you were preoccupied and i would like to get home so i lef}

teruhashi: well that's rude you should of

saiki: smirk [the mask has fell]

teruhashi: what funny

saiki starts walking quicker 

teruhashi : HEY wait your two fast 

saiki : {why do i care if you-crap}

teruhashi: saiki what you mean 

saiki: [what do i-]

teruhashi: ? what happend

saiki: {nothing }

teruhashi: Spider! 

saiki starts shaking 

teruhashi: mm that what you get for ignoring me 

saiki: {ok miss perfect is that you'r brother}

teruhashi: [!?] shut up but if i'm perfect what does that make the boy i have a crush on

saiki: {a dead man}

teruhashi: well your not a corps yet 

saiki: [!? , did she just] 

teruhashi blushing: any way bye saiki (rushing of )

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