deal with the devil

214 10 29

Pip's pov

We walk in the cafeteria and sit down to our usual table.

Marjorine-I'll go get my lunch

Tweek-i have mine in my bag I'm good.

Bebe-what lunch? Cigarettes don't count.

Tweek-shut up

Tweek pulls one cigarette out and lights it up.

Bebe-damn it tweek! What if the lunch lady sees us? I'm already grounded for sneaking out last week!

Pip-the lunch lady doesn't give two shits bro, unless we make a big mess and don't clean up after.

I pulled my pack from my bag and also lit it up.

Bebe-lung cancer joined the group

Tweek- couldn't care less babe


Bebe-whatever, y'all coming over tonight?

Tweek-yeah I want you to paint my nails again.

Pip-i want you to do my hair

Bebe-omg yeahh i love being preppy.

We all talked for a while until marj finally came back with her lunch.



Marjorine-he's here

Marj pointed towards a tall guy dressed in black with a upside down cross and jet black hair.

Tweek-is he emo?

Bebe-maybe he hangs out with the goth kids

Pip-idc who he is I'll make him turn marj back to normal

I sit up, put one hand in my pocket and with the other i hold my cigarette.

I start walking faster and now we are both in the halls with me following him. I'm kinda scared to call on him but i do it anyway.

Pip-hey you!

He stops and slowly turns around to face me.

?-what do you want mortal

I catch up to him.

Pip-first of all, tell me your name

?-why should i tell you

Pip-bc you're the one who turned my friend into a dragon or some shit like that.

I took a drag from my cigarette and waited for him to give me an answer.

?-you're friends with that blonde kid?

Pip-yea that's right.

He took a look at my cigarette and then looked me in the eyes.

?-give me one


?-are you deaf? I said give me one.

Pip-god damn it

I take out my pack and hand it to him. He puts it between his lips and i was about to give him a lighter but then he did something unbelievable. He lit his cigarette up with his finger.

Pip-what the actual fuck?

?-follow me.

We start walking in silence. He reminds me of someone. When i was in third grade a new kid came to our school and we started hanging out. He had fire powers of some kind and he claimed to be the antichrist. I thought I finally had a true friend but at the end of the day he turned me into a fire cracker just to impress fatass and his friends. I can't seem to remember his name tho.

I was lost in my thoughts and i suddenly bump into the guy.

?-watch it damn it! Or else you'll end up just like your friend!

Pip-damn sorry.

I look around to see that we were now in an empty classroom.

?-so what do you want

Pip-I want you to turn my friend back to normal

?-why should i ? What do i gain?

Pip-idk what do you want in return?

? about you do my hw for a month

Pip-I don't even do my own hw, something else?

?-you'll do anything for your friend, right?


?-ok... Well, next week I'm going to a ball and if i don't find a date soon my father is going to make me go with some stupid spoiled bitch.

Pip-so you want me to...

?-i want you to be my "date" for the ball

Pip-.....what have i gotten myself into.....

?-if you don't want to do it I'll never turn your friend back to normal.

Pip-i guess I don't have another choice...fine

?-it's a deal then.

He took my hand and shook it. The lights went out for a moment and a pentagram was painted on the floor.


?-yea and we just made a deal

Pip-what the fuuuck...

?-anyways,here is my phone number. Call me if you have questions.

Pip-ok got it.

He stands up and he is ready to leave



Pip-your name.... What's your name


With that he snapped his fingers and he vanished into thin air leaving some kind of black smoke behind him.



Damien X Pip(South Park)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora