She was quite fast, and the timer still haven't reached the end, so she just closed her eyes, getting ready to be virtualized to Lyoko. 

She was fully aware of the self-virtualization program, she and Jeremie made it one night, but it was never used. Frankly, Jeremie was almost always ready to send them to Lyoko by himself, but also that no one except her and Jeremie knew about it.

And now, the door closed, and the inside light turned on, indicating the transfer began.


Aelita fell down on the platform, immediately looking around. There was no one since XANA couldn't possibly know that she was coming.

The girl walked around, seeing a neutral tower not that far from her. 

Even though she won't tell this to anyone; she loved Lyoko. It was a place where you could live and not care about the outside world. There weren't any responsibilities, curfews, not even rules. It was a free world. 

And after the event that happened earlier, she knew at that moment she wasn't free. She isn't free even in school. She can only be free here.

And, she was special; Aelita Schaeffer-Hopper as she was known could just randomly disappear, and no one would care, they wouldn't probably notice. But Aelita the girl that got brought back to the real world firstly known as an AI, would be probably missed by the only four people knowing her real past.

Aelita slowly walked to the edge of the platform and sat down. She chose the ice sector because there was always a dark sky in it.

Her legs were freely hanging down, as she stared at the Digital Sea.

"Dad." She began. "I miss you."

She knew her dad must be somewhere in Lyoko, alive, but may be unable to move.

"If you need help, just tell me," Aelita said. "I know you can hear me, and I won't be mad. You saved my life."

Something strange happened to Aelita...she began crying. In Lyoko. She wasn't paying that much attention to the cries, which weren't even possible in Lyoko, she just hoped that randomly, her dad will jump up, and allows her to hug him, even if only digitally.

"Dad. I'll do everything I can to get you back to the real world." Aelita resumed, wiping her tears. "I know it is possible, it happened to me."

Aelita giggled, remembering how she came back to the real world after Jeremie successfully devirtualized her.

"My friend, Jeremie, was the one that materialized me back onto Earth, and it was the best thing that happened to me," Aelita said, now slightly smiling. "I enrolled in school, which I think I attended before we stepped inside Lyoko. I found amazing friends. And...I found someone I love."

Aelita didn't even know how she said it aloud, maybe being alone in the sector, just hoping she was talking to her dad made her ease.

"Jeremie is a great guy, Dad. If you would see him, I...I think you wouldn't mind that I like him." Aelita finished and closed her eyes. 

She knew that her dad was there, she just knew it.

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