T H R E E (+info)

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Going back to Hogwarts was always a sad day for Draco. Not this time though. The entire holidays he was just waiting to meet his friends.

Father had forbidden him to talk to them. The news of his 'sister' arriving were not supposed to get out too soon. Apparently there was still some business to be settled. What does that even mean?

So Draco found himself in the situation of having way too much time and very limited options to do. He could talk to his mother, keep to himself or... well that was all there was to do really. And with these boring holidays, he did what any sane person would do. Draco took up stalking as a hobby.

He started to watch his new sister stroll around her wing of the manor. Draco was not sure why exactly he was supposed to stay away from her, but father told him that it was for his own good if he kept his distance. Something about not knowing who she really was and what she was capable of. Honestly Draco didn't know what his father meant by that.

The girl, only slightly younger then him, seemed normal. Of course there were some unusual things she did. For example she forbid the house elves from cleaning her room, but made them deliver a bunch of things to do it herself. Or she would randomly do physical workouts, doing pushups and other exercises, for hours. Maybe she was just as bored as Draco was?

Another thing he noticed was that his parents seemed to be a lot more quiet since her arrival. Especially his mother. While she seemed to have lost all her interest in conversation and only walked around with furrowed brows and a worried expression, his father only went quiet when Astra came into a room, his mouth forming an irritated line.

So to say he was ecstatic to see his friends again and finally get a break of the weird atmosphere of Malfoy Manor was an understatement. That was until his father sat down with him to tell him to keep an eye on his sister while she would attend Hogwarts together with him. "The new professor of Defense Against the dark arts is informed of her and has helped me with enrolling the girl in Hogwarts. You will most likely have heard the name Umbridge before?" Without waiting for a response he continued. "If anything seems suspicious, you will let Professor Umbridge know immediately. She posses the knowledge of everything there is to know about the girl, so don't let this inconvenience distract your studies, Draco. This is no excuse to get comfortable."

Again, this left Draco furious and even more confused, because now he wouldn't even get to have his peace and quiet at Hogwarts, but would have to answer questions about who the new Malfoy was. Of course, usually he would love to get a little attention, even if just to explain who exactly the new addition to the family was, but this time he would only be asked questions he would not be able to answer. Questions he himself wanted answers to. Who is that girl? Why did we not know about her sooner? Is she a bastard of your father? Why would he put her in this school then? Is she a cousin? Why don't you talk to each other? Why doesn't she look anything like a Malfoy? Why didn't you write us letters over the holidays? Why didn't you attend Lorenzos birthday? Didn't you promise to go to Italy to visit the Notts resident there?

Oh how he longed to know or ask his friends about their opinion. But everything he knew, he was instructed not to tell. His father even started to cast silencing charm to ensure he wouldn't listen in on the conversations he had while he would discuss something with Astra or when the adults were talking, meaning either his mother or men of the ministry. He couldn't fathom why his father would have so little trust in him. (Though it might have to do with how he was caught, that one (and only!!!) time he had listend in, by his mother. She looked at him with a disapproving glance and must have told his father, the tattletale.)

He often listed the not so many facts he knew about this new 'family member', who felt more like the person that married into the family but no one approved of, to ease his mind by having the illusion of being in control more then he actually was. The list went as followed. She was in some kind of school in Germany before coming here. Allegedly she was the child of both Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy, no affairs involved. She somehow was dangerous, why was not specified. She was suddenly brought or taken back, reason also not specified. She was (now) enrolled into Hogwarts.

To be perfectly clear, Draco was proud of knowing all of this. Sure, it was a short list with some question marks, but if one kept in mind that he wasn't supposed to know any of these besides the sister and Hogwarts fact, it was quite a long list.

By far his biggest concern tho, was when they went shopping for school supplies and he heard father sending her alone with an house elve, wich was responsible for her. She was supposed to get her first wand at 14 years old. What the hell? As if that wasn't weird enough, she answered that she didn't need a wand. She wanted to go to a wizard school, build to learn how to cast spells with a wand, without a wand. Maybe the school in Germany only allowed the scholars to use wands owned by the school itself? He had heard about wizards that had no wand of their own until they were off age. It was rather rare tho and why would father send her to a school like that? A school that didn't let the children reach their full potential by using the correct wand?

Too many questions, no answers. With the new Professor breathing down not just the neck of his sister but his own as well, he would probably not even be able to get some answers when his father wasn't around. All Draco knew, was that it would be a troublesome year, something he didn't need on top of the whole ordeal with the dark lord coming back from the dead and Potter and his little friends probably being just as annoying as any year before.


Another chapter done, I took quite some time to write it. In a week school starts again where I live so it will get quite stressful. I'll try to post once a week tho. I won't promise anything.

(It literally doesn't matter tho, because I'm not from America and that's not how the school system works here lol)

While this is an Astra x Theodore Nott story, I will have the 'POV' of every major character in here. All of them will get their story. Though I'm not sure wich ship (besides the main one of course) they're gonna end up in. Mattheo, Draco and Pansy all have my heart. They're like children to me. So expect a lot of them in here.

Also all of my characters are highly unreliable narrators (and no, not only because that's how you can easily explain plot holes), since I'm a big fan of tsh-like story's. So if the golden trio (especially Hermione my love) is sometimes portrayed as mean or stupid or something you feel does not fit them it does not mean they actually are. It's mostly because especially Astra only gets to know them when all the hatred is already there lol

I'm also rereading order of the phoenix for this (actually I'm reading it for the first time since I never got through it lmao, I always just dnf it halfway through, so events will be as book accurate as possible.

The block of blood supremacy is also gonna be a huge thing and just to warn you, some opinions of the purebloods are going to be bad, especially before Voldemort has his full on comeback. Also since most of this is written from their perspective, there is not going to be a whole lot of criticism of those believes at first. I promise it will come with time.

Also idk if you can see, but I re edit the chapters lol
Meaning I look over them for spelling and some sentences I write in slightly different words. I'm sorry for everyone who gets annoyed with those notifications, if there are even notifications. I promise tho, that I don't make major changes and if I do I will inform about them in an authors note like this one :)

See you next time my loves xoxo 💋

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