"And yet I feel nothing like myself," I said, my voice thickening. "It's happening so fast, Art. I wanted answers but I didn't know what awaited me was a goddamn responsibility and burden."

"I know how I felt about this before, but I need you to give it some more time, and trust me, it will not feel like a burden anymore," his eyes were pleading with me, and for a moment he distracted me from it all with his glistening eyes, his sun-kissed face and the absolutely delicious sandwich he held in a plate in his free hand.

"Okay, I have an idea," Art said, handing me the sandwich, "Rubyn, Clarissa and the others won't be back until tonight, so, how about this? We spend an entire day, just you and me as if it was just another weekend at the Academy."

"I think your perception of a weekend and mine was quite different," I chuckled, taking a generous bite of the absolutely delicious sandwich he had whipped up in minutes.

"True," he muttered, lost in thought for a few seconds, and then he lit up again, "How about we spend the day how you would do it and I show you what a typical evening for me on a weekend is like?" he suggested with such hopeful eyes that I had no choice but to give him the nod.

"Perfect!" In all the years I had seen Art in the halls of the Academy, or strolling in the evening, did I ever imagine him chuckling and laughing and smiling this way. I had never seen this side of him, but then I had barely known him. He lit up at my nod and jumped out of the couch where we both sat seconds ago. "I am going to take a shower; I'll meet you by the back garden around ten. We can do whatever you want," he said, leaving me alone in the foyer.

I smiled as I watched him leave, and then diverted my eyes to the sunrise peaking behind the trees of the garden in front of me. The porch was lighting up and in the far distance, I could see Jace leaving to train. I had barely slept last night and when I woke up, I heard Art saying goodbye to Clarissa. They were taking a short trip to the border to meet the others like us and we were 'grounded' with clear instructions to remain inside the property.

Art scoffed at it, I just knew by that simple reaction of his that he was already planning to get out, even if it was for a few hours. Jace would be easy to bypass and no other Athanatoi remained nearby to sense our absence.

Sometimes, it surprises me how much I have begun to understand Art in this short span of time. Weeks ago, he was a distant figure that I never hoped to meet or talk to and now, my mornings begin with thoughts of him, of us. And after the conversation, we had with Rubyn, I spent last night scared for us, of what was to come.

I know he'll be there. But what scares me is that what if he isn't?

It's a foreign feeling; to expect someone to be beside me. But for the first time, I hope it's him. I have never prayed and hoped for something that didn't concern me and I know that sounds selfish but he's changing that about me, day by day. 

If I am to fight something much beyond my capability, I would rather do it beside him. 

━━ αθάνατοι ━━

"Are you serious?" were his first words. Art's eyes were bewildered when I told him what I wanted to do as I stood against an age-old tree, a chuckle escaping my lips. 

"Why do you think I am kidding?" I asked, hiding my smirk. 

"Because..." he muttered, trying to find an answer. 


"Because I thought your typical weekend would be sitting in the library, reading with vanilla candles around or something," he scoffed. 

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