The Ethereal Escapism From Reality | 014 |

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──❝The Ethereal Escapism From Reality❞──




The sunlight filters through the curtains of a hotel room, casting a soft, warm glow on the furniture and carpet. The soft chirping of birds and the distant hum of cars created a peaceful symphony, enveloping the room in a calming melody that perfectly complemented the serene atmosphere. The gentle breeze that drifted through the window carried with it the delicate scent of blooming flowers, infusing the room with a fresh and invigorating aroma. Snores and soft breathing could be heard coming from the couple in the room, where they were deeply immersed in slumber, oblivious to the troubles and worries of the outside world. If only this moment could last forever, the peace and contentment permeating the air were so intense, they were almost tangible.

The bed was a cozy haven for Leon and [Y/n], who lay snuggled together beneath the covers, their bodies warmed by the comforting embrace of each other. The gentle rustling of the sheets created a soothing symphony, lulling them into a state of peaceful contentment. [Y/n] wore a loose-fitting maroon tank top and a pair of simple black underwear, while Leon had a pair of grey sweatpants on. Leon lay on his stomach, his muscular back rippling as he adjusted his position, the faint light from the partially open curtains casting a golden glow over his skin and dark blonde hair.

A low, husky groan escaped Leon's throat as he stirred in his sleep, the sheets twisting and shifting around his legs. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, his heavy eyelids slowly lifted, revealing bloodshot eyes. Leon let out a tired sigh and rubbed his temples, attempting to banish the persistent drowsiness that clung to him like a fog as he fought to regain his alertness. Leon's gaze drifts towards [Y/n], his eyes softening with fatigue as he takes in her peaceful expression, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. He reached out and ran his fingers through her hair, feeling the soft strands slip through his fingertips. Leon lifted his gaze from [Y/n], slipping out from under the covers and retrieving his light grey t-shirt from a nearby chair, his movements slow and deliberate. 

Leon strolled into the kitchen, reaching for a glass from a nearby cabinet as he made his way towards the sink, the quiet sound of the refrigerator humming in the background. He fills the glass with water from the tap, taking a long, drawn-out sip to quench his thirst, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. He sets the glass down on the counter, a small puddle forming around the base as droplets of water escape. Images of his unit, the battles fought against B.W.O. forces, and the lives lost in the line of duty flooded Leon's mind like a relentless torrent, dampening his mood and weighing heavily on his heart. Why couldn't he just forget about it all? He had tried so hard to move on, to leave the memories behind, and to live a normal life. But no matter how much time passed, they always found a way to resurface, haunting him in quiet moments like this one. He needed to drink something strong, something that would temporarily numb the pain and help him escape from his haunting memories. The idea of the bar downstairs seemed like the perfect escape, but with [Y/n] around, he knew it would be challenging.

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