Shanghai Shenanigans | 005 |

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──❝Shanghai Shenanigans❞──




After hours of navigating through the treacherous depths of the ocean, the ASDS successfully arrives in Shanghai, marking the end of a long and arduous journey. After deftly evading detection, Shen May led the group to a secure apartment, which was believed to serve as a safe house. Shen May stops in her tracks and turns to address Leon and [Y/n], "This is it." Before continuing, she gestures toward the door to an apartment. Stretching up, Shen May extended her hand, receiving a slip of paper that was discreetly pushed between the door and the frame. She held it up, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips as she said, "Secure." 

[Y/n]'s gaze narrowed with suspicion as Shen May retrieved a knife from her boot, the crimson stains on the blade suggesting recent violence. [Y/n] and Leon shared a glance of disbelief as they both realized the implications of the situation. Leon's piercing eyes conveyed his suspicion as he urged [Y/n] to exercise caution. She responded by mirroring his expression, her fingers tingling as they absently traced the outline of her holstered gun, a sense of unease settling in her chest. With a swift and precise movement, she swiftly severed the tape on the door, swinging it open to allow them to enter.

With a sense of urgency, the group quickly began their search, ransacking the apartment as they searched for guns, ammunition, and money. The apartment was filled with a cacophony of sounds as they frantically searched through the belongings: sounds of drawers being pulled open, cabinets being slammed shut, and items being tossed aside. Drawers were thrown open, cabinets were wrenched out, and piles of empty ammunition boxes littered the floor as [Y/n] and the group searched through the apartment for weapons and supplies. Shen May had left an hour ago with the intention of returning with the necessary supplies, leaving Leon, [Y/n], and Jason alone in the apartment. Having gathered their required supplies, Jason took a seat on the brown leather couch and carefully lit a cigarette, taking a moment to relax before continuing with their plan. As the smoke wafted around him, he took a long drag, savoring the taste of the cigarette as he let out a contented sigh, his mind at ease after their successful search. Yet there was something else on his mind—something that was causing him to frown.

Jason's gaze remained fixed ahead as Leon and [Y/n] entered the room, not even acknowledging their presence as he continued to puff on his cigarette. "All right, we made it to shore. You wanna brief us?" Leon took a seat on the couch opposite Jason, the springs groaning under his weight as [Y/n] positioned herself behind him, her hands resting on either side of his shoulders, keeping a cautious distance from Jason. On the coffee table before them, a collection of items caught [Y/n]'s attention, including guns, stacks of money, bullets, and an ashtray, all arranged in an unsightly pile. "You can start by telling us what you're really after. They're something else, aren't they?" With a determined expression, [Y/n] leaned in, her eyes locked onto his face, searching for any sign of dishonesty or deceit. She was convinced that there was more to the story than Jason was letting on, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it, no matter what it took. The tension in the room reached a boiling point as they all waited anxiously for Jason to speak, each passing second feeling like an eternity.

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